the Liberals have during the autumn been rocked by a sore debate on which regeringsalternativ the party should endorse – a M-KD-government led by the M-leader Ulf Kristersson, or a government led by Stefan Löfven.

Much of the fighting has taken place in a transparent way, it also made the debate that took place during Sunday’s partiråd at a hotel in the centre of Stockholm. Unlike The board of trustees during the Saturday, L invited journalists to be present during the whole debate that ended just before 15:30.

eventually won the partistyrelsens proposal, to release an S-MP government led by Stefan Löfven, with 62 votes against the reservanternas 30 votes.

noted in his opening speech that it is a ”difficult decision, a difficult balancing act” the party is facing.

Read more: the Divide within the Liberal party – the event is expected to

He stressed that just because the party says yes to Stefan Löfven now it does not mean that you say yes in four years.

– If the council says yes, you should know that Stefan Löfven is the prime minister on sufferance of C and L. the social democrats to deliver what they promised in the bourgeois politics, ” he says.

appealed to the audience to stand behind partistyrelsens recommendation to endorse an S-MP government and the agreement between S, C, L and MP which is on the table.

– the result of the Election was not as we had hoped, we are many who were disappointed and are still disappointed over the election results. But we must turn it into something positive, ” he says.

It has been said a lot olämpligheter the last few days between the different bourgeois parties, think Nylander.

” But we come across it there. When the smoke settled, so will the bourgeoisie be left and we will find new forms of cooperation, ” he says.

Read more: the Proposals that can be pulled in out

Towards the partistyrelsens proposal, there is a reservation signed by Gulan Avci, Robert Hannah, Per-Åke Fredriksson, Mats Persson, Carina Sandor, Maria Weimer, Ulrica Westerlund and Anna Ågerfalk. They want instead to let the M-leader Ulf Kristersson, but stresses that L should not cooperate with The sweden democrats or ”let the SD control our sakpolitiska positions”.

Partistyrelsens arguments that they never got through as much liberal policy in allianstiden they receive in the blocköverskridande agreement dismissed in the reservation:

”The political gains that L reaches agreement with S, we had been in a negotiation with the Conservatives, if only we had asked for it.”

Read more: the agreement between the C, L, S, and MP – paragraph of the paragraph

arguing for its position in the pulpit.

– An unholy alliance in four years is no real solution to stop the right-wing extremist, ” he says.

Gulan Avci, a member of parliament and integrationspolitisk spokesperson, who also wrote under the reservation, believes that L should give Kristersson at least a chance before they believe that the trust is depleted.

” We ought to put an ear to the ground and think about what it is that makes so many people cling to the SD.

Her riksdagskollega Lina Nordquist would like to highlight that’s been forced to go on the big concessions.

– They are forced to give people much more freedom. It is something new, it is not the usual sossarna I am so tired of.

She warned that the M and KD can get to listen too much on The sweden democrats, arguing that it was “late scratching” in the two parties budgetreservation that went in line with SD’s policy.

“anyone who tries to ride the tiger’s back turns easily in his stomach,” she says.
Now remains several steps before Sweden has a new government. During the Monday meet president Andreas Norlén all of the party and shall during the afternoon announce which candidate he intends to propose to the prime minister ahead of the vote on Wednesday. To an S-MP government will be able to enter the required to the Party not voting ” no ” on Wednesday. So far V has not made any official announcement.