Donald Trump has tried to conceal the notes from the five meetings with Vladimir Putin, according to the Washington Post. Among other things, he should have confiscated the notes from a translator who participated in the meetings.

the New York Times has also revealed that the FBI started an investigation into whether Trump is working for Russian interests. The u.s. intelligence community believed that Trump’s behavior when he fired FBI director James Comey was so alarming that they wanted to investigate how his contacts with Russia looked like.

On the conservative Fox News, the president of Trump’s favourite channel, he got into the weekend, a direct question about the relationship with Russia.

– are you Working now or have you ever worked for Russia?

on the question, but said instead: “I think that’s the most offensive question I’ve ever received. I think that was the most offensive article ever written about me”.

the Scandals surrounding Donald Trump and his Russian contacts are so extensive that they receive the mildest and most diplomatic votes in Washington’s refined establishment to raise your voice. Strobe Talbott, a former director of the Brookings Institution, calls this weekend’s revelations about Trump for a “scandal” of historic dimensions.

If Trump actually does not have anything to hide, it is difficult to understand why he is taking such extreme measures to keep secret the details of the five meetings he had with Putin.

In a contradictory comment claimed Trump that he had been tougher on Russia than any other president in U.S. history, at the same time he pointed out that “it is good to get along with Russia”.

in the senate, said on Sunday that he wants to implement a vote to condemn Trump’s decision to lift the sanctions on three Russian companies linked to the oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who is close to Putin.

Adam Schiff, who directs the house committees on intelligence, put a new investigation on Trump and Putin. A consequence of the democratic victory in the mellanårsvalet in november is that these investigations now get to see the light of day. Even if the republicans in congress do not support the democrats ‘ investigations, they can no longer stop them.

President Trump’s popularity seems to have been shaken by the controversy around his relationship with Russia, and the many prosecutions and prison sentences passed against his closest associates. In recent opinion polls fall Donald Trumps confidence figures, which also depends on the myndighetskrisen.

of americans trust Trump, a fall from 42 per cent in the last survey. Among white americans without collegeutbildning, Trumps the strongest väljargrupp,, confidence has fallen from 54 per cent to 45 per cent in a year. 55% blame the myndighetskrisen at Trump, 32 percent of democrats.

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