The United States and Turkey are considering the establishment of a “security zone” in Northern Syria. In a telephone conversation, US President, Donald Trump and his Turkish colleague Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke on Monday about such a “terrorism liberated” Zone, such as the office of the Turkish state announced the heads. According to the White house Trump Erdogan warned in the interview again in front of it, against the Kurds in Syria.

Trump had threatened on Sunday in the short message service Twitter, the US would destroy “the Turkey economically,” if you should attack the Syrian Kurdish militia YPG. The government in Ankara rejected the warning on Monday. Erdogan’s spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said there was “no difference” between the Kurdish people’s defense units (YPG) and the jihadist militia Islamic state (IS). “We will continue to fight against them all.”

stressed foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Turkey could “not be intimidated”. At the same time, he was open to the idea of a “safety zone”. Trump had brought on Sunday the establishment of a roughly 30-kilometre-wide security corridor in the North of Syria into the conversation. For more information on its location, he didn’t.

Trump announced withdrawal from Syria

US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo surprise said on Monday that the United States has several pages talking about such a Zone, to protect both Turkey and the Kurds. “We want to make sure the people who have fought with us down there to have security, ( … ), and that the in Syria active terrorists can’t attack Turkey,” said Pompeo in a visit to Saudi Arabia. “We want a secure border for all parties.”

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dealing with the Kurdish people’s defense units ensures years of fierce dispute between the USA and Turkey. Ankara sees the Syrian Kurdish militia as a threat, since it is closely associated with the Kurdistan workers ‘ party (PKK), which fought for decades against the Turkish state. The USA support the YPG with weapons and air strikes in the fight against the jihadists militia Islamic state (IS) in Syria.

Turkey went already several times against YPG in Syria before

The Turkey has been several times militarily against the YPG in Northern Syria, and President Erdogan has been threatening for mid-December, with a new Offensive. Shortly before Christmas, Trump then announced surprisingly, all U.S. troops from Syria to be deducted, because the IS-militia had been defeated, adding, this but now.

Trumps security adviser John Bolton has recently undergone a US withdrawal from Syria of guarantees of Turkey for the security of the Kurdish militia. According to the White house, the US President stressed in his phone call with Erdogan that the United States is important not to be, that Ankara dealt with the YPG and other allies from the ranks of the Syrian Democratic forces (SDF) “bad”.

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The jihadists Alliance Hajat Tahrir al-sham said meanwhile, a Turkish Offensive in the YPG areas. “We are for the liberation of this Region of the PKK ( … ), and would not be an obstacle for an Operation against the enemies of the (Syrian) Revolution,” said the HTS leader Abu Mohammed al-Dschulani, where he continued PKK and YPG are the same. Their areas were inhabited part of the “Sunni Arabs”. (AFP)