Ulla Hoffmann (V) a member of parliament between 1994 and 2006, and acting party leader in 2003. She does not see how the Left party would be able to release Stefan Löfven.

“Yes, I assume that the Left party will vote ‘no’. I think it is a question of democracy, those who voted on the social democrats and wanted to have left-wing politics. Who in the future will believe in party politics, ” says Ulla Hoffmann.

She has not been in contact with the V-peaks but think that the debate among partikollegor in general is clear – against mittenöverenskommelsen.

Among those that I have talked with, there is not a chance. I have not heard anyone who has said anything other than that we should press the red. Right-wing politics are conducted by a right-wing government, ” says Hoffmann.

make the decision in question and that, according to the DN will it take to get an answer before talmansrundan on Monday morning. Despite the fact that the voltage is great now when three of the four parties in the mittenöverenskommelsen has given Löfven green light, it is quiet from the V-top. On Sunday afternoons had no official decision has still not been taken.

Jonas Sjöstedt press secretary Oscar Nelson writes the following in a comment: ”Now, the other parties submitted their reply, in regeringsfrågan. Now we have our own internal process. We will return when we have a comment to give”.

If the Left party would vote ‘ no ‘ to Stefan Löfven will also be the third statsministeromröstningen to pass without having to generate a new prime minister. Then, Sweden is only a final vote from the election. President Andreas Norlén has set a tight time frame between the third and the fourth statsministeromröstningen.

The third is japan, which with great probability will be Stefan Löfven, will be tested in the chamber on Wednesday. If he is not successful, it will the fourth statsministerförslaget to be presented on Monday 21 January and a vote held on Wednesday, 23. If it is not then elected a prime minister, there will be additional elections.

of The 73 proposals of the party of the S,C, L and MP have agreed contains several heavy alliansreformer so that the revision of the labour law and Las, a tripling of rutavdraget and the following wording: ”the Government will not operate or work further with the proposal if vinstförbud or other proposals with the aim to introduce vinstbegränsningar of private actors in welfare”.

was also very clear when she presented mittenöverenskommelsen during a press conference, the Left party will not have influence over Swedish politics.

Read more: the Liberals have voted in favour of Löfven as prime minister

This is something which has given offence and provoked several vänsterpartister out in the country. Among others, Mikael Ekvall, who is the left party group leader in region Jönköping county. On Saturday, he could tell you that there is a petition circulating in the V-circles out in the country, a kind of petition against that release Stefan Löfven.

” I have no reason to believe that our partiledning would come to any other conclusion than that it is to trap the government. But they have not given any information or signals that have come to us and we feel that it is extra important that we actually select what members of the Party think on this issue, ” says Mikael Ekvall to DN.

He says also see ”massive resistance” in the left on the social media to release Stefan Löfven.

Daniel Sestrajcic left parliament in 2017 due to family reasons but will remain active for the Left party in Malmö. He says that there ”is no rhyme or reason” to the Left would release Stefan Löfven with the premises as is.

He has not yet heard anything directly from the V-top but think it will be a no.

” My personal opinion is well thank god if they press no, that is not possible to drop through. It would be to shoot himself in the foot, ” says Daniel Sestrajcic.

the Socialists ‘ press office announces on their page that the party will not disclose any information about the settlement prior to the talmansrundan.

the news came about that the left party national executive shall have taken a decision on the party to vote no or let through S-leader Stefan Löfven as prime minister in Wednesday’s vote. The experience of the TT.

– Jonas Sjöstedt is the one who will announce the Decisions decision and he does it in the morning, ” says Susanne Björkenheim, a member of the left party national executive to DN.

She would not comment further on the decision, the nature or the unity of the worker’s party.

According to the previous data to the TT, it could lean to a no.