“Arrested for kidnapping – suspect for murder”

“A man in the 35-year-olds have been detained in Luleå, sweden, suspected for the kidnapping. He was arrested during the night on Friday. The man was then in the company of a woman, that he should have brought away from Finland.”

“He denies the offence and says that the woman followed him willingly.”

“the Man is also suspected of being involved in a murder in finland Pudasjärvi, writing Norrbottens-kuriren (the Courier) and the Norrland social democrat.”

“on Thursday burned down a villa there and in the vicinity of the apartment found a man dead. According to Finnish media he had been shot to death. The woman who the detainee, the man must have kidnapped the was the killed man’s wife.”

“the Man in the 35-year-olds are suspected of, inter alia, murder, and arson in Finland. Two people, a man in his 20s and a woman in the 45-year-olds, have been arrested in Finland on suspicion of the same offence.”