It has been three years since Hanna Lidén became a parent. As many years have passed since she left her previous work as a digital manager at one of Sweden’s largest electronics chains, without a clear picture of what she would do – but with a clear goal.

“I resigned during my maternity leave without having somewhere to go because I wanted to use my skills to something that could make the world better,” she says to DN.

she was bored at his previous job, nor that her work was not appreciated or that she was not good at his job. On the contrary: she worked hard, progressed, had fun on the job, liked their jobs. It was when she came home she felt the emptiness, and the feeling grew with the years, became clearer and more defined.

“It was the feeling that I accomplished after working svinhårt was to get more people to buy the things they need on the installment plan,” she says.

DN and Ipsos , in the autumn, examined the experience of meaninglessness in the work among the swedes. Thankfully, a majority of their work at least partially make the world better and that they are relatively rarely performs tasks that feel meaningless.

But even if only a very small few feel that their work makes the world a worse experience 27 per cent despite the fact that their work do neither to or from. Nearly half also indicate that they are performing completely useless tasks, at some time in the month.

after the subjective experience of meaninglessness. Someone may think that the work it performs is not really needed. Second, Hanna Lidén, think that their work does not make any difference in a larger perspective.

” It was not the futility I felt when I was younger and plastered the windows and they were dirty again a few hours later. But I felt that the end result of my work made the world a little worse. It was a pretty subtle feeling that put a wet blanket over everything that was fun, ” she says.

Hanna Lidén has also changed his job to find meaning in his working life. Photo: Julia Mord

the turning point came when she had children. She is of the opinion that it sounds like a ”jätteklyscha” but had come to a point where the feeling that something needed to happen was not going to shake off.

– When you sit and look at their children and wonder what kind of world it will grow up in, then you get a completely different motivation to change the world. I don’t think I’m alone in that feeling, ” she says.

never been to their old work. Instead, she sat down with his wife and a couple of friends and tried to define the goals for wherever she wanted. At the top, in front of the possible jobs in the public sector or in digital agencies, she placed the dream of Doctors without borders.

But if she were driven forward by their newfound belief was the surroundings more dubious: How could she leave such a straight uppåtpekande career ladder?

– My environment had probably thought that I wouldn’t find anything. I was thinking more that I take it I get, ” says Hanna Lidén.

before Hanna Lidén again stood with the work. But this showed the service as the director of marketing at Doctors without borders. She says that it meant a hefty pay cut and a weaker uppåtlutning on the future lönekurvan.

” But I knew immediately that I must have that job. We would manage on the salary. The turmoil was to break the norm – not the bottom of pay, only up.

With his new job feel Hanna Lidén, she found the home and meaning. Now she hopes that she can inspire others to do the same thing – react when the futility becomes too large.

” Now I do something much more important, I can make a difference. It’s like having rocket fuel in the engine to have a clear view in the daytime, ” she says.

Read also: Two out of three believe that their work makes the world better

also Read: half A million swedes are dissatisfied with their jobs