“In the draft fyrpartiöverenskommelse is a formulation that is received with joy among the teacher and rektorsföreträdare. It is about to investigate the conditions for a nationalised school.”

“– It will jublas among the country’s teachers and school leaders, “says Åsa Fahlén, president of the Teachers’ association.”

“In the draft sakpolitisk agreement type the parties are:”

“the News surprised the LR-base – but not as much as it had done a few years earlier.”

” It surprises me a little, for all the four parties have not spoken in this way. But, on the other hand, has been more and more talked about the increased state presence in the school, ” she says.”

“LR has pushed this issue for many years, and seen to have supported mainly by Liberals. And the fact is that the state, under several governments, bit by bit increased his management and control of the school. This has occurred through, inter alia, on the introduction of teacher certification, career levels for teachers and state funding of increased pay to the teachers. Not the least of Pisa-the tribulation – then the Swedish school showed significantly worse results – got speed on the discussion. Skolkommissionen added put several proposals for increased state presence in the school. Skolkommissionen was led, incidentally, initially of gymnasieministern in the transitional government, the then Skolverkschefen Anna Ekström.”

“Also, Matz Nilsson, Skolledarförbundets the president, is positive.”

” It is good that there is now a specific proposal rather than just keep discussing. Not least with a view to the SALAR signals huge resources out there in the country’s municipalities. We see that the state must take greater responsibility, ” he says.”

“But what can a nationalization actually mean in practical terms? Åsa Fahlén think Skolkommissionens proposals for a stronger governance of school funding is the closest to the hand.”

“– and proposed that the money will still go via the municipality but still more clearly controlled after a national socio-economic index. There was also a proposal for a sectoral contributions where the money goes directly to the schools, ” says Åsa Fahlén.”