Four days after the attack on the Bremen AfD-land-in-chief and delegates of the Bundestag Frank Magnitz have contacted the investigator again to the Public. Publish on Friday a Video of the fact, and put a reward of 3000 Euro for important clues to solve the three Unknowns. Magnitz was injured in the attack as of Monday evening, the police and the public Prosecutor’s office from political motives.

The Video had been recorded, according to police, two CCTV cameras in the pedestrian passage, in which the attack on Magnitz occurred. The three perpetrators, the Year following the 66-showed. A low hit that from the back, then ran. The Video was on the Homepage of the police.

The attack on Magnitz had cross-party support for outrage and warnings of an increasing division of society. Briefly, a claim of responsibility was to the police, according to the Internet, one in Bremen, so far, not in appearance, which entered into force group called the “anti-fascist spring” showed up. The officials determined because of dangerous bodily injury, check its authenticity.

With the court-approved publication of the Tatvideos substantiated, the investigators at the same time, their representation of the sequence. Magnitz and the my AfD , on the other hand took at least in the first position of a “suicide attack” and of blows with a two-by-four and kicks against the head of the victim spoke.

the AfD comes back to your presentation

in the Meantime, the Bremen that the AfD was balanced but your presentation. This was due to accounts of state, the Magnitz have shortly after the attack delivered in the hospital, she had informed on Wednesday. This I have, in turn, to a craft professions, which was as a witness at the scene of the crime.

According to police, two craftsmen, the goods loaded in the vicinity of your car and also to see the Video, had noticed, lying on the floor Magnitz immediately after the attack and the help brought. In an Interview with the “mirror,” said one of those witnesses, you would not have observed the actual fact. He had only heard the cries of Magnitz and first aid, he told the magazine, according to a preliminary report from Friday. (fal/afp/sda)

Created: 11.01.2019, 15:46 PM