Three years with rapes and other serious sexual violations against a syrian woman and her underage daughter can end with the imprisonment and deportation of a 37-year-old syrian man residing in Frederikshavn.

the Man came in 2014 to Denmark as a refugee from war-torn Syria, and he has since had two wives and three children with him to north Jutland via Turkey, Greece and Austria.

one wife and of her daughter’s entrants on your own illegally, but with all the expenses paid by the 37-year-old.

Now syreren indicted for gross rape, other sex-abuse, violence and threats against the wife and step-daughter, however.

the Information came in today by a jury in the Court in Hjørring, where prosecutor Peter Rask requires at least four years in prison and a udvisningsdom to the 37-year-old man.

With gestures and gesticulating hands refuse the man is guilty of all of anklageskriftets eight points.

– It is something they have found on, it sounded during today’s hearing.

According to the indictment, he is charged through the three years from 2015 to last year, with systematically raping his wife, and threatened to bury her and her family live if she did not join him.

In one case, pulled the 37-year-old man the woman across the floor with a grip in her hair, while her daughter looked on. The now 15-year-old teen is in a result the charges have been photographed naked and the photos are put on the accused’s computer. She has also been befamlet and forced to watch his stepfather masturbating.

– She has even put the pictures on the computer, the man said.

– I have not seen them and does not want to.

with the help of an interpreter explained the 37-year-old, that the first marriage was done as both a citizen and a muslim marriage. Marriage number two was solely a religious marriage and has no validity in Denmark.

– You can, as you know, only legally have one spouse here in the country, noted the prosecutor.

How both wives from two different addresses, yet have been allowed to attach themselves to one and the same husband in Frederikshavn, has not been elucidated in the court.

the Woman from the first marriage and the mother of the accused’s two children – has gotten a divorce.

The sex-abused wife and step-daughter, however, reported last summer the 37-year-old to the police and was immediately placed at a secret address. The man has been in custody since 31. July of last year.

the Case continues next week with the interviews of the witnesses – including the ex-wife.