Just like the rest of Denmark had Peter Maurer on Thursday, immeasurably sad message that the tv host Kent Nikolajsen had died.

The former host of, among others, the ‘Pure word of god for money’ was the beginning of the summer diagnosed with cancer. On Thursday at noon he died of the dreaded disease.

Danish well-known – 10. jan. 2019 – at. 16:07 Kent Nikolajsen’s death: Was only 48 years old

On Instagram commemorating Peter Ingemann now Kent Nikolajsen, who was his first boss in the media industry.

‘I owe it to Kent much of my career, he was one of my very first bosses when I put my folder as nyudklækket journalist on the ‘Pure word of god for money’. I was definitely not always easy, and I was probably at times a little small crazy, but Kent guided me lovingly and with an extreme degree of freedom with responsibility,’ writes Peter Ingemann, among other things.

He praises the Kent Nikolajsens way, be the boss and call it something quite special in the industry.

’the Media business is tough and cash, and you sat by your skills and talent on top of it. But despite the sometimes harsh environment so I have NEVER EVER met someone who talked bad about you. Never. Everyone liked you. And it is indeed unique – especially when we are talking about bosses in this industry. You had a fine empathy, the nose of the subject and your humor is amazing’, he writes.

Peter Ingemann also describes how he sought the advice of Kent Nikolajsen, when he was considering switching from DR to TV2. Is spring, for the Texts were difficult, but as Nikolajsen gave him courage.

‘You were my sparring partner and adviser when I skidenervøs took the plunge from the DR to the TV2. We talked a lot back and forth and you said: ‘Do it, now try something new!’ I have never regretted and I owe you big thank you for’, he writes.

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It is with great sadness that I received notice that my ex-colleague, friend and amazing chef, Kent Nikolajsen, is dead. My thoughts go out to his family and relatives. It is far, far too early, that you had to say goodbye. I know that you both as a family man, human being and as a creative soul had so much more to give to the world. You were not even half way. But it was so not – in this place. I am indebted to Kent much of my career, he was one of my very first bosses when I put my folder as nyudklækket journalist on the Pure word of god for money. I was certainly not always easy and I was probably at times a little small crazy, but Kent guided me lovingly and with an extreme degree of freedom under responsibility. I got to try out the wildest things and got walked on all sorts of unknown areas, as long as I delivered. I remember the many times I was called into kent’s office to talk for a feature or an idea through. It was always with respect, dialogue, and openness that you rail against. Also when it could be difficult. And I never come away from a meeting without the I have thought, “dælan he is good and proper”. And you were right (most of the times. Smile). The media business is tough and cash, and you sat by your skills and talent on top of it. But despite the sometimes harsh environment so I have NEVER EVER met someone who talked bad about you. Never. Everyone liked you. And it is indeed unique – especially when we are talking about bosses in this industry. You had a fine empathy, the nose of the subject and your humor is fantastic. You were my sparring partner and adviser when I skidenervøs took the plunge from the DR to the TV2. We talked a lot back and forth and you said: “Do this, now try something new!” I have never regretted and I owe you big thanks for that. Our latest collaboration was about the Settlers in 2017, where I had got high blood pressure and was generally worn in completely. Here you were so caring and thoughtful. I will never forget. Yes I – and we – forget you never!!! Glory be to your remind Kent. The warmest and warmest thoughts to your family. Denmark have been poorer without you. Kh Peter the Picture is as I remember Kent from DR time and as he sat in his office. You were the greatest

A post shared by Peter Ingemann (@ingemannpeter) the

the Extra Leaf deepened Peter Ingemann, that over the years he has regularly turned professional things with Kent Nikolajsen.

We talked together a few times per year, and I kept very much of him. We turned the typical ideas for programs. Most recently I worked closely with him in 2017, where I was the host of ’the Settlers’, as the Metronome produced, he says.

Kent Nikolajsen was the managing director of Metronome, and it was the production company, which yesterday issued a press release on his passing.

– I was not a close close friend with Kent, but I held incredibly highly of him, says Peter Ingemann. Photo: Michael Drost-Hansen
Peter Ingemann known well for his former boss’s serious illness.

– Yes, I knew it well. I also knew well, that it was serious. We wrote together for the last time in november, I think. The time he was an optimist, so I was also, he says.

Kent Nikolajsen leaves a wife and three children. He was 48 years old.