the Batteries are with high probability the portion on the electric cars, which have received the most attention in recent years.

Good batteries are essential for the acceptable range and charging time, and the producers have invested heavily in meeting consumer expectations. But if you buy a used electric car, it can nevertheless be hard to know whether the battery is still in just as good shape as when it was new.

According to the bilistorganisationen FDM has you as a consumer previously had to rely on the information in the car’s infotainment system and the readings, as a qualified specialist workshop can make. There has not been any testing method, which could provide an independent assessment.

Before now. FDM is gone together with the Danish Technological Institute, Aalborg University, synskæden Applus and the company, Lithium Balance, which specialize in batteristyring, to develop a special tester that can go without the producers ‘ safety systems and helbredstjekke electric car battery packs.

the Tester, which has been named Batnostic, functions as a conventional strømlader, but is coupled to a computer program. During the charging procedure examines the program, how the battery works, and the information a computer can drag some concrete answers out of.

– When we have data on the car’s charging, it will be driven through a greater mathematical scrutiny. Here we can, by count and compare with data from other vehicles and battery cells, come in with a bid of elbilbatteriets state, says Lasse Exceedingly Kofoed, consultant at Danish Technological Institute, to

The prototype, as the parties have developed, have supposedly already demonstrated that the information in the electric car infotainmentskærm do not always match the battery’s real condition. It tells Torben Lund Kudsk, head of FDM’s economic and political secretariat.

– You can get an idea of the battery condition in the car’s infotainment system, but it is the manufacturer’s own interpretation of the truth, and we know unfortunately that it is not always true, he says to the

Even if it is successful, the parties agree to develop a tester that works as intended, so there is still a long way to that it will be available at the workshops and in the synshaller. In order to develop a commercial version, the parties must use additional financial support. Come on, expect FDM to have the tester is ready for use in 2020.

the Hope is that with Batnostic can counteract the increasing trend for car manufacturers keep information on their cars for themselves. Torben Lund Kudsk points out that the information on the battery, for example, will be beneficial for the future of the second-hand market.

– We are standing in front of a development where more and more of these electric cars, and here it becomes of crucial importance for the gensalgsprisen on such a car, what condition the battery is in, says Torben Lund Kudsk to the