A longer article in the Newspaper from march of last year provides some of the background for the wealth of the married couple who now are the victims in a bortføringssak.

Before the OLYMPICS at Lillehammer in 1994 was Tom Hagen, the man who guaranteed for etterbruken of the ski resort of Kvitfjell – and thus laid the foundation for an adventurous hytteutvikling in the area.

– Investor Tom Hagen who in his time stood as guarantor for etterbruken of Kvitfjell, the disposal alone more than 400 utleiesenger here. Cafes, serveringsteder, other service and security services – in addition, all construction activity. More than a thousand cabins are now listed here. This together provides a very large employment and many jobs in Ringebu, said former mayor Erik S. Winther, to Dagbladet.

Sold for a billion

In addition to the property is the Garden the largest shareholder in the company electric power, in 2017 had a konsernomsetning 2.3 billion. The group trades with electricity in the scandinavian business market, and had a net profit last year at 127 million after tax.

Assets in the electric power group was valued at just over a billion and equity 469 million.

Empty Garden now has an estimated fortune of 1.7 billion, according to Capital.

– Think not of wealth

The at the investor has only rarely spoken to the media, as when he in 2008, spoke with Romerikes Blad.

I have been busy of through 40 years of work is to create me a safe workplace. That is where the motivation lies. That I’m rich I’m thinking not over, said the Garden of the newspaper.

The occasion for the interview was likningstallene for 2007, where he was listed with the 286 million – 60 million more than the year before.

In the interview was not trade with power even mentioned. Today, it is where the great values are located.

In 2007, the company had electric power a net profit of 30 million – in 2017 was more than quadrupled with 128 million.

Thus, is Tom Hagen is now second at the top of the formuestoppen at Romerike, with a likningsformue on the 884 million in 2018, according to Romerikes Blad.

the Wife of board member

In several of Tom hagen’s companies have his wife, Anne-Elisabeth was a board member, among other things, the company he owns most of their values through, Holding 2. Where the wife was registered as a deputy board member until last year.

the Group Holding the 2 had after 2017 equity at 872 million.

Holding 2 sits on the Garden’s shares in the electric power, and have property in Lørenskog, Oslo, Bold, Lillehammer and Ringebu, and driver Kvitfjell hotel in Ringebu.