It is a breach of the society’s contract with the banks, Jyske Bank will now stand Visadankortet in two parts.

It takes The finansordfører, Benny Engelbrecht, who today sends out a very strong warning to the Danish banks, and in particular the management of Jyske Bank.

– It is clear to everyone here that this is not a harmless amendment, as the bank has time, says the rapporteur for the Extra Magazine.

– Jyske Bank has aimed to first remove the cash, and now the attacks are so dankortet by split Visadankortet up into two parts and pushing customers over to more expensive alternatives to dankortet.

He believes that the case is yet another in the pile of bad cases for the banks.

– social contract with the banks is already challenged in many areas. I can just mention Danske Bank’s money laundering case.

And when you now try to attack dankortmodellen, so it is in my opinion also a breach of the contract, we as a society have with the banks.

– If the banks do not even find out to keep life in dankortet, so can politicians in the Danish parliament have to intervene and ensure dankortet, says finansordfører Benny Engelbrecht (S). Photo: Lars Krabbe/Ritzau Scanpix

Benny Engelbrecht is not alone in the criticism, as also trade and industry minister, Rasmus Jarlov (K) earlier in the day raised over for Jyske Bank.

‘Must be a percentage of the payments in the Danish stores in the future go to VISA or MasterCard, because Dankortet disappear? The government has a hard time seeing any advantages. Dankortet saves the Danish stores for large sums of money and keep the prices down slightly in Denmark’, wrote Jarlov in a tweet on the matter.

And the banks can expect the same cash treatment, if the government after the elections is headed by the Social democrats, promises Benny Engelbrecht.

– whether a socialist or any other government, so the banks must know that we are keeping a very close eye on it here. And that the hammer then falls hard, if they do not solve the problem.

– What is the problem with it, as the banks do?

– We are talking about a credit card, which is a fundamental payment solution, which also is definitely the cheapest to use, because it is so widespread, and we have created a good model, says Benny Engelbrecht.

– And the bottom line is that the banks are still moving consumers away from the cheap payment solutions and instead give the banks a greater earnings.

– What do you think, Jyske Bank must make?

– My call to Jyske Bank and directly to their director, Anders Dam, is that they need to think really good about whether it is appropriate for society and for customers. I think that the banks ‘ reputation and the reputation is abundantly brindled in advance. There is no reason to pay more for.

– Therefore, they must also drop it here actions. And I will send the same signal to the other banks: don’t do it.

– If they can’t figure out how to get it here resolved properly, we must, as politicians consider whether we may need to intervene and legislate. I will preferably be free of.