Currently under negotiation, such as EU subsidies and grants should be distributed. An Alliance has studied in the so-called Agricultural Atlas, where funds for the agriculture goes currently. The conservationists are calling for a Reform, with more emphasis on sustainability and biodiversity. the By Silvia Liebrich and Markus Balser, Berlin Silvia Liebrich

Silvia Liebrich editor in the economic Department of the süddeutsche Zeitung since 2000. She writes about genetic engineering, food, energy, environment, raw materials, world trade, Africa and what else comes up. She has studied Economics and journalism and, among other things, for the German press Agency and the Handelsblatt worked.

on Twitter, a E-Mail send Markus Balser

Markus Balser came in 2001 to the süddeutsche Zeitung. He is a graduate of the Cologne school of journalism and a diploma in Economics and was first in the economy editorial office in Munich. In 2013, he went to Berlin and reported from there on energy and environmental issues. At the beginning of 2016, he joined the parliamentary team and takes care of to transport and agricultural policies, as well as to the Deutsche Bahn. In 2007, Balser was Nannen, together with Klaus Ott and Hans Leyendecker for the research to the Siemens bribe scandal with the Henri award. In 2008, he was a scholarship holder of the Arthur F. Burns fellowship, a guest editor of the Wall Street Journal in New York.

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there is hardly a sector of the economy flowing as many subsidies such as in agriculture. A good 60 billion euros, the EU is currently spread per year to its member countries, about one-tenth of it goes to German producer. Whether it stays that way in the coming years, however, is questionable. At the EU level is currently being fought hard by the Budget for the next funding period beginning in early 2021. On Wednesday in Berlin, submitted to Agricultural Atlas 2019 (PDF here) calling for conservationists, that the money will be distributed differently than in the past.

Hubert Weiger, Chairman of the Federation for environment and nature conservation (BUND), wants a radical change, especially in the multi-billion EU funding: “We need the money for the end of Life and not the life-threatening.” There is against a change of course, significant, but covert Resistance, he warned. “They are not articulated openly but are very influential, and sit concentrated in the Federal state Ministry of economic Affairs.” The resistance to a new agricultural policy, he also feel in the top-level organisations of agriculture. In addition, feed manufacturers would gain a lot of influence. “Agriculture is now earned more than in agriculture,” said Weiger. The Agricultural Atlas published by the FEDERAL government, the newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique, as well as the Green-affiliated Heinrich-Böll-Foundation.

if it Was up to the will of the citizens, would the agriculture in the EU in a few years will probably be different than it is today. This shows a representative Forsa survey conducted for the Agricultural Atlas. Half of the respondents find that companies should be rewarded if they provide special services for environmental, water and nature conservation. Three-quarters think it is also important that medium-sized and small enterprises will be particularly supported. After all, 76 percent of the respondents indicated that they see the shutdown of farms in Germany as a large Problem.

According to the Federal government, the number of agricultural holdings in Germany since 2010 to almost 24 000 to 275 000. The reduction is particularly strong in Bavaria. Especially smaller farms gave up, while the number of large producers increased.

the creators of The Agricultural Atlas of the demand is for a change in the distribution of the funds. They criticise the fact that 70 percent of the EU funds to be distributed without the far-reaching requirements. Currently applies to: anyone Who manages a lot of Land, also gets a lot of money. These direct payments to German farmers ‘ Association wants to hold on to. Only 25 percent of the funds are linked to conditions. They flow in disadvantaged regions, in Organic farming as well as services for the protection of climate, environment and nature. The FEDERAL-the Chairman Refusing calls: “funding must be spent on what the producer is no money in the market: The welfare of animals, protection of birds and insects, of waters and of drinking water.”

The EU countries, however, want to present a Stand at the forthcoming agricultural reform, on the existing conveyor system and, apparently, the requirements for additional services, for example, for the protection of the environment, even softening. According to a draft of the EU Council a few weeks ago the countries.

In the whole of Europe is the diversity of species is lost. A development, which is also a result of increasingly intensive agriculture. Germany is no exception, according to the Agricultural Atlas is gone, the biomass of the insect since 1990, more than 75 percent. This in turn is detrimental to the agriculture. The pollinators, the flowers, the harvest means less income for example in the Apple, but with sun flowers and field beans. It is alarming conservationists from the point of view of the environment that almost 13 percent of the biodiversity important to agriculture areas, such as flower-rich meadows, within a period of six years were lost.

environmentalists are calling for more financial incentives for farmers to protect biodiversity. However, in order to effectively counter them, there was not only money and more precise programs, but especially in insight, the Agricultural Atlas.

pesticides are too much for the loss of biodiversity is partly responsible. Recently there was fierce dispute about the impact of the Pflanzengifts glyphosate and bees harmful Neonicotinoids.

While pesticides are banned in Organic farming, largely, do not want to abandon many of the conventional farmers. The resources are a billion dollar business for manufacturers, such as Bayer and BASF. Europe-wide, the amounts are the total for years is almost constant. However, there are large differences between the countries: In Spain and France was last sold more in Germany, the sales between 2011 and 2016, declined significantly. “The common agricultural policy lack instruments to reduce the use of pesticides,” in the Agricultural Atlas. Also there are too many exceptions to a ban on their Use leave handle.

In animal husbandry are desire and reality, at least from the point of view of many consumers, surveys show. A good 40 percent of them wish for better Standards in animal husbandry and careful use of resources. However, to allow many torments, through the abolition of in Germany, already longer, will be discussed. About the castration of piglets without anesthesia or Cutting of curly tails. The latter is actually prohibited, but is practiced on the basis of the exception rules is still very common.

At the EU level, animal welfare is hardly anchored, but that will change Brussels now. The proposal by the EU Commission for the agrarian reform defined for the first time, nine goals. The member States should be obliged to develop a strategy for the implementation of animal welfare programs. Scientists estimate that in Germany alone, for better animal husbandry, annually, three to five billion euros would be.