Hizb ut-Tahrir creates discord in society and hjernevasker young people.

– But it doesn’t help anything to ban the association.

so begins Chadi Hassan a letter to the nation! on the recent writings and revelations of bl.a. Berlingske, which has shown that association with Hizb ut-Tahrir deliberately contrary to integration.

Chadi – as previously written comment hits as They can get 133.000 kr: Chadi think syrian refugees are hard to make happy(431 comments), Chadi on the demolition: It is not the buildings it is mad with – it is the residents (420 comments) and ‘Give the dog the hand to the country that has given you food on the table'(222 comments) – think not of them, that will ban Hizb ut-Tahrir have understood how the association works. And he would like to devise a method, which in his eyes is better to face the integrationsfjendtlige.

His letter – that you would like way share, especially for moderate, sensible and toned down muslims – continues, therefore, as follows:

– Ahmed Akkari has in his book ‘My farewell to islamism’ described how the islamists for several years targeted have gone after to destroy the relationship between the resident muslims and the Danish population.

– And you can’t talk to Hizb ut-Tahrir to common sense, because their outlook on the world is so fundamentally different and completely in opposition to western values, democracy and norms.

– the Challenge of Hizb ut-Tahrir is not something new in Denmark, and it is something we have heard about several times, without having been done.

– But Mette Thiesen from the New Bourgeois said at one point that if she was elected to parliament as she will work to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir.

– It is very naive to believe it will change anything.

– If the Hizb ut-Tahrir are good at something, then it is propaganda, and they know exactly how to attract more young people, capture their attention, get them into the party and penetrate into their mind and destroy them with brainwashing.

– because They are skilled, well-educated and very intellectual.

– It is more difficult to combat the ideas and thoughts of people than to defeat them militarily.

– If the banning of Hizb ut-Tahrir, then they will recruit and organise itself in a way we haven’t seen before.

– If the movement in the day f.ex. have 10,000 or 30,000 members, so they will easily get 70, 80, and 100,000 members. (it is Chadis figures – a former member estimates in Berlingske that the association has about 100 members, but several have participated in the association’s mass meetings red).

– We will open the doors to hell, and the situation will get out of control and become far worse. It is no use, for it is exactly the Hizb ut-Tahrir wants.

– Prohibit them, they go under the ground. More young people will be attracted, and more will support them.

– They will use propagandamaskinen to recruit and attract more people; to give them an excuse, good reasons and opportunities to become even stronger.

– You give them a martyrdom, and it becomes difficult to keep an eye on their activity, because they move into private homes, in basements, in clubs and in the mosques.

– It will gradually go beyond the ordinary peaceful muslims, because the mosques all of a sudden become a hangout for the more radical and extreme islamists.

– there is a risk, therefore to strengthen the Hizb ut-Tahrir, rather than weaken them.

– Even if the constitution were to say good for you that you can dissolve the association, so it doesn’t address anything.

– For even if the association is dissolved so will the people still be here and there will be more of them – scattered across the country.

– You can’t throw people out because they have other ideas for how a society should be. And we can rather not be to restrict democracy in order to defend it.

– We can not go against our own values.

– But in return, you can throw people out if they violate our laws, or if the through violence trying to overthrow democracy.

– Right here is Hizb ut-Tahrir light years ahead and the they also found.

– They work with people’s minds and converting them, so it’s all going on ideologically in the people’s mentality.

– If they had chosen the violent struggle as the islamic state, so they had been crushed and never got a chance. But they chose the wiser and difficult road for us.

– in A way where it requires more things to fight and defeat them.

– It is also a battle we can lose, if we do not do the right thing.

– There is not a concrete solution, but it is the parents ‘ responsibility to educate their children to become good members of society.

– If the parents do not master it, so should society and schools, and our institutions share the responsibilities. For their sake and for the country’s sake and the future.

– We must keep in mind that Hizb ut-Tahrir is a small group of people and that the majority of the muslims in Denmark do not support them and their decision, but are peaceful and live their life quite normally as other Danish citizens.

– But. The muslims – even the moderate of them and the more sensible and toned down – would be good to combat Hizb ut-Tahrir.

– It will be Hizb ut-Tahrir’s worst nightmare if the Danish muslims in Denmark, created movements and took a showdown with them.

– We already have the MINO Denmark who works for the minorities and opposes Hizb ut-Tahrir and it is a step in the right direction.

– But we need to do much more. There must be several things.

– We must expose their hypocrisy and fight them with our knowledge, our reason and our freedom and what we believe in, and here the Danish muslims to be the best.

– It is the only way forward and it is not an easy road, but it is the right one.

– If we make the wrong decisions, then we risk shooting ourselves in the foot and the consequences of our decisions, we have to be disastrous to Denmark, writes Chadi, but what are you thinking?

Berlingske published a week ago a communication from the Hizb – ut-Tahrir, which shall state that the purpose of the organization is to fight against the integration of muslims and prevent their being influenced by ‘Western thoughts, culture and values’ and the infidels, which threatens to drown the muslims residing in f.ex. Denmark ‘, in the wretched, the low western culture’.