NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Donald Trump continued to give the Democrats the blame for the “shutdownen” in the united STATES when he in the night, Norwegian time spoke directly to the united STATES from The oval office. In the rigid, eight minutes long speech, he argued, also in harsh terms that he will not reopen federal agencies before he gets the 5.7 billion dollars to build the famous wall on the border with Mexico.

– This was just very strange, and the president’s speech makes no sense politically at all. The president buries himself in a hole. He’s not going to get the billion to build a grensemur. At the same time, he has gone so far as to be uncompromising that any sign of compromise will be interpreted as weakness, ” says the experienced meningsmålingseksperten John Zogby to Dagbladet, shortly after the speech.

Trump’s speech to the nation about the wall and “shutdownen”:
– This can be solved in the course of a 45-minute meeting

the Amount of bluff and tøying of the truth was quite remarkable. He claimed that the value of illegal drugs into the united STATES is 500 billion dollars annually, and says at the same time that 100 per cent of this will stop with a grensemur. The truth is that most are smuggled in through the regular border crossings. Claims like this are easy to refute, ” says professor David Birdsell of the Newspaper.

Dubious statistics

He is the dean of Marxe School of Public and International Affairs at Baruch College in New York and a prolific expert on american politics. Birdsell also responds on how Trump is trying to appeal to people’s emotions with a questionable statistics.

He is asking people to think about what they would feel about one of their loved ones was killed by an illegal immigrant. The truth is that very few homicides are committed by undocumented immigrants – far fewer than those committed by persons born in the united STATES, ” says Birdsell.

the EXPERT: John Zogby. Photo: Vegard Kristiansen Kvaale / Dagbladet Show more

Zogby believes that Trump also not showed any signs of reaching out a hand to the Democrats. Neither Birdsell or Zogby do not think the president was able to convince enough people to change their mind.

Not a chance

Usually when a president holds a speech like this, it is to convince a small minority. But now the two sides are completely locked into their positions. Politically, this has not a chance, ” says Zogby.

– One could expected that Trump would put up information that hasn’t already been refuted, but he repeated the only claims that are already out in the debate. It did not come until some new information, ” says Birdsell.

Zogby also points out how the Democrats do not seem to have any reason to give in to Trump.

the EXPERT: Professor David Birdsell. Photo: Private Show more

– Each time there has been a “shutdown” since 1994, the Republicans got the blame. So the Democrats think that they have time on their side. Friday will also be the first day when lønnsutbetalingene not come for federal employees. It will create a lot of anger, and it will not be directed against the Democrats because they are trying to reopen the federal sector, ” he says.

– Amazing character

– there Is no way out of this for Trump?

He is an amazing character. Every time it’s been suggested that he is finished or will lose, so he comes back. But it is difficult to say how he will win this. The position he has taken is so far out on one side, and the Democrats have nothing to serve to comply with the desires of his, ” explains Zogby.

Birdsell sees only two possibilities for how Trump can manage to get out of the corner he has painted himself into.

Nancy Pelosi know how she is going to tame the Donald Trump Comment

– first, it can change on what is the definition of a wall, but that it is still possible for Trump to say that he’ll build a wall. The second is what can be offered Dreamerne (people who arrived as undocumented immigrants to the united STATES as minors and have since received a work permit under the Obama journ.anm.). But it is difficult to see how a compromise is possible here, ” says Birdsell.

If Trump does not get built a wall against Mexico, it can also have consequences for the chances to be re-elected in 2020, according to experts.

– It is still too early to predict how this will go, but Trump has given in to the Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and people on the outer right. If he now fails to build the wall, as he has promised ever since he contested the election and lose the support from this group, it is difficult to see where he can find support, ” says Birdsell.

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