“Five problems in the health care you need to fix, politician”

“Doctor: It’s time to roll up our sleeves and start working”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Health care tops time and time again the list of voters ‘ most important issues. When Sweden is now moving towards a political crescendo where the choice is between the new government and a new election, must vårdfrågorna up on the table. “

“I want to touch on five areas that require quick and decisive action already in 2019. “

“► the It systems within the health care system must become more user-friendly and compatible. “

“”I’m drowning in textmassorna”, she seemed to imply, läkarkollegan as skrollade page-up and page-down among the notes about the symptoms, laboratory reports and certificates to the agency. To document and to read other people’s documentation takes more and more time from the patients. “

“the Healthcare sector needs transparent and easy-to-use it systems as ”playing with each other”, which prevents duplication and saves the work. One way may be to simplify the transfer of data between the journal and the registers, which have already become some of our main sources for research and quality improvement. “

“It systems must be integrated with computerized decision-making system, and allow prediktionsmodeller so that care can automatically identify patients in need of extra efforts. User-friendly it systems reduces the risk of test results being missed, and that people exposed to unnecessary treatment.”

“► Increased focus on safety in health care”

“the health Board has estimated that more than 100 000 patients annually suffer from care-related injuries. Every twelfth treatment is associated with iatrogenic harm. The national care programmes and checklists need to be integrated into the journalsystemet to combat related injuries. “

“Faced with more automatic controls of medicindoser! Here should be the Welfare iklä become a leader and call the representatives of health care to a joint work on how we build a safer health care.”

“► the Care of co-morbidity in the old and the mentally ill.”

“Over a number of years, children and young people’s health needs have been prioritised by the lower and sometimes no fees. But we must not forget the other weak groups in society. “

“the Municipal takeover of the care of the elderly has not worked. Many municipalities have insufficient resources, both financial and in terms of expertise. Care, geriatric competence needs to be strengthened and we must increase access for the chronically ill. The interaction between the landstingu002Fregioner and the municipalities need to be improved. “

“One in four young adults is affected by mental illness. Unless humanity can get politicians to protect those who have it the hardest in society, so perhaps the wallet can be an argument? Mental illness is one of the most common reasons that people outside the labour market. Investigators Kerstin Evelius has calculated that mental ill health costs Sweden 200 billion each year. Can we afford not to act for the mentally ill?”

“► A well-functioning primary care”

“the Swedish health care can’t stand on one leg – sjukhusbenet. We are all dependent on a well-functioning primary care. Primary care is cheap and effective. The holistic approach and continuity are two extremely important factors for the swede in the community to provide good care. “

“the Swedish primary health care needs to be resources to shorten waiting times, and to improve the working environment at the health centers so that employees choose to stay, and the number of expensive hyrläkare can be limited. A dysfunctional primary care spills over on inpatient care.”

“We need to turn the negative development around obesity and smoking. But this can not health care alone pull the load. This needed political reform in order to simplify the possibilities of motion in everyday life. We need to make it harder and less attractive to smoke, and make it easier to eat right. “

“Swedish healthcare is among the best in the world. But it is not without challenges. No matter if you, as politicians, bear a rose, four-leaf clover, dandelion, anemone, or cornflower in the chest, so it is time to roll up our sleeves and start working with vårdfrågorna.”

“nJonas Ludvigsson, professor and pediatrician Örebro university Hospital and Karolinska Institutet”

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