It may seem like that it to be limit offense is worse than it is to break it, and that’s when it gets dangerous.

You have probably been there you also, perhaps on the narrow vestlandsveier. German tourists in camper, that is terribly far away from a comfortable Autobahn, and that makes the queue on the way to the cabin.

Of the grain is a daily satirical look from Dagbladet journalists.

There are few things that provoke kjørevante vestlendinger more than to be in the queue. It doesn’t matter if this queue only delays the hytteankomsten with a few minutes, cursed are they anyway.

When they run like all the way up in the front bumper of the motorhome. Maybe in oblivion, perhaps in a hope to find an opportunity to overtake. But on the winding vestlandsveier is forbikjøringsmulighetene get.

Then they rævslikkere. Those who is so close to the bumper that they can almost lick bobilens unit. It cares not about, for they are still provoked. They just hope that the approach can scare the German motorhome to run a little faster.

I have grown up on the west coast, and has in many situations been a passenger in a rævslikkende car. Without shame, only provoked.

this weekend changed always.

This vestlendingen is accustomed to the turns, but less accustomed to the slippery roads. After many years without a car and without a cabin on the mountain, I was forced to confront an unexpected fear. I would run a pensjonsklar car with tohjulstrekk on slippery roads. The plan was ready, I would take it gently. Keep fartsgrensa, do not take any chances.

It went fine, and the heart rate remained reasonably low, until I was overtaken by several rævslikkere SUV and four-wheel drive.

When the step pulse. When I was provoked, and explained tresekundersregelen for uninterested passengers.

As I passed a triangular sign with a moose, and explained further that “whether or not the moose kill us, so will nakkeslengen rævslikkeren gives us, definitely do it.”

Fortunately survived both we, the moose and rævslikkerne. But something has changed. I will never more let me provoke by the German bobilturister.