“Trump wants to win the support of the wall”

“the Purpose of the president’s speech is to attract greater public support for the boundary wall against Mexico, which was one of his main election promises. Century live on prime time in the big american tv channels.”

“If the president still would choose to declare a national emergency, it would make it possible for him to circumvent congress in certain decisions, and to use the money from the defense budget to build gränsmuren. Such a decision would probably be challenged in the courts.”

“Donald Trump claims that the drugs and the criminals flowing into the country from Mexico, but the democrats criticize his rhetoric over the situation.”

“Trump requires 5.6 billion dollars for the construction of the gränsmuren, the Democrats and even some republicans to oppose. The democrats, however, have stated that they can go along with other increased security measures at the border with Mexico, as technical solutions and more border guards.”

“According to the polls is something more americans are against a wall than for.”