The positive type: The profile of this Person the Emojis of success. It is all right, runs absolute quality, something, thank God, survived, or simply awesome. The Person is playful, what Gespenstli and Bärli. She laughs a lot and always finds occasion, in the life of toast. Overall, the Person is a positive person who does not “hide” but the Bad in life. You will recognize it in the Flan, which carries a bandage, or to that with a fever, knife in the mouth. The Velobilder and country flags to show the desire and the urge to move the Person. Your world is not well-ordered, and rashes down there. 2019 will be for you an exciting year. According to the Hashtag-design, you will be soon on Instagram. (slm)

The warm type: First of all this is: is using This Person as the only one in this series, no iPhone. It is so more on content and less on appearances. Content is also at your Emojis Central. Or better: true love. Kiss, heart, heart eyes, the heart, the zip of a to the head or each other’s orbit. It is also quite superficial, the four-leaf Clover. Optimistic character, the Cup and the gold medal can be a in addition Victory votes. A great Triumph, which is only disturbed by the occasional serious calls or the ringing of the alarm clock in the Morning. What the hockey stick means, is unclear. However, as the goat, he could indicate that this Person has the surprising pages. Good conditions for 2019! (dsa)

The sovereign type: strength, Coolness and inner fire are strong, here represented motifs. They appear to come then, if the beer is flowed, either alone or in company. It also moments of perplexity, Annoyance and shame always follow, as the corresponding Emojis. Sometimes emergency intervention by the police. Either the Scottish or the German. In a nutshell: passion, optimism, and a lot of mutual confirmation are important. That behind the desire for love and recognition, burning the two hearts reference. You are, for whatever reason, and either passionate red or cool blue. It is clear that in 2019 for this Person to the year of self-knowledge. (dsa)

is The chaotic type: An eventful life leads this Person to leave nothing, and no Emoticon. You know, different Tempos (turtle, train), Action and relaxing (Surfing, Sleeping), silence and noise (Baden candlelit, popping champagne corks), believes that the luck (Clover) and love (many Sincerely), nature (sunrise, moonlight), and filmaffin (camera). If all of the interests, it may happen that the Person in the head whirring. She’s so tongue-in-cheek, self-deprecating, with an ostentatious Verpeiltheit. Because you know your own Chaos, it is tolerant against others. In 2019 you will discover more Emoticons – for example, the Flan, whose face runs, as it stems from a painting by Dalì. (slm)

The go-getter type: He can burn anything. He is confident of victory, like the public recognition and is easy to euphorisieren. Surprises he loves. This person is unconventional, but sometimes, it a yearning for the healer world. You will recognize it in the baby picture and to the three members of the family, which appears twice. He likes women who are bold and take on challenges – perhaps because he sees himself as such. If the Person is too much, pull back and sipping a hot soup. The soul does well. Your heart has not lost the Person still On the list of most-used Emojis, it’s a no-show. 2019 will clear up a big question for the Person: Will you remain the solitary lion? (slm)

The emotional type: There are massive subjects that move this Person. Love, strength and joy stand out. Hence, the longing for relaxation grows with her. Because the shame is lurking. Own (monkey with concealed mouth, gritted teeth) or the other (monkey with hidden eyes, Facepalm). What are the moments, the face mask comes, is not as straightforward to interpret. Maybe the Person was having a love affair in a major Chinese city. Sure is that love can be found in varying shades. And one thing is clear: Who dares in this regard, something can lose (the cry, the broken heart.) Also the next year’s event is expected to be rich for this Person. (dsa)

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Created: 08.01.2019, 14:18 PM