long have large parts of the political environment had I cannot when it comes to the question of what are Norwegian values. To the extent that it is given no answers, they have most often been linked to the universal human rights such as democratic freedom, the rule of law and equality.

This has paved the way for the nasjonalkonservative and other parts of the right have increased themselves the power to define what can be said to be specific Norwegian values. The responses served are often blurred, but generally contains the happy factors related to culture, identity and ethnicity. We are Norwegian because we are born Norwegian, at any time of Norwegian parents.

Berøringsangsten to define the Norwegian values have to disappear Debate

Is this the answer standing unchallenged, and developed into a prevailing perception, it can have great damage to this country’s future. It goes without saying that culture and history are central parts of any nation’s identity. At the same time, the understanding of the Norwegian for the reason if we reduce it to the national culture we generally associate with Norway.

We will continue to honor the 17. may, shelf skiheltene, be proud of our artists and writers, and the protection of the Norwegian language. To name a few. But as the complete expression of Norwegian values are there in total for the thin.

One who has taken up this issue is former state secretary in the ministry of foreign AFFAIRS, now assistant utenriksråd, Torgeir Larsen. In a text written when he was affiliated with the Norwegian foreign policy Institute (NUPI), published in the Present and Dagbladet recently, pointing Larsen on how the actual Norwegian core values are threatened.

He put it in an international framework characterized by increasing inequality and declining trust in political institutions, weakened the position of scientific knowledge and the larger immigration with lack of integration.

Up against the ethnic understanding of the Norwegian, put Torgeir Larsen tillitsamfunnet as a fundamental national value. He points out that tillitsamfunnet has a long tradition for honesty, respect for the agreements and a willingness to contribute towards the fellow human beings.

Duties belong together with the rights, combined with a respect for others ‘ freedom. This is the basis for a credible Norwegian dream that all who “do their duty”, can succeed as norwegians. Trust is also the foundation for the Norwegian and nordic economic model.

Such values are not uniquely Norwegian, but they are largely shaped by our living conditions, geography and history. And they are still standing strong. These core values are inclusive, and they impose clear requirements. Therefore, they should get a central place in the debate on Norwegian values.

This ingredient makes the community good Comment