“NiP-star Rez: ”Was very large for me””

“Only a month remains to majorn in Poland and hårdträningen begins now for the Swedish Ninjas in pyjamas.”

“Gun Fredrik ”Rez” Sterner, 20, talks about the goal for 2019 – and how it was to be a part of the club.”

“– It was very large in the beginning when I got to meet them, he says to Sportbladet.”

“At the beginning of February, majorn in the Polish Katowice, the first major tournament in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The Swedish Ninjas in Pyjamas had an extremely heavy period where the team failed to qualify for three straight majors.”

“But the curse was broken in september, when the Nip, after a great övertidsdrama against the world number Astralis, in the end took the victory and secured their place in the next major as a of the challenger the law.”

“Ninjas in pyjamas-player Fredrik ”Rez” Sterner summarizes the past year.”

“– We wanted to us more titles and I think this year, we will have to spend a lot more time and time at the bootcamps. We bootcampade not so much last year, but this year, so we run enough on the face of each tournament. We will need to put a lot of time on the CS and each other and find solutions all the time, ” he says to Sportbladet.”

“the Team begins its first bootcamp for the year already on Wednesday. It involves an intense training together with the team where all of the tactics must be added, in recent matches to be reviewed, and the five players to be synced. “

“the 20-year-old Rez was hailed in several quarters as the best Swedish player in the last year. But he is still not completely satisfied, but intends to push even harder in order to cement themselves among the elite. “

“I’ve had a pretty good year, I would say, but I was more pleased with myself in 2017 when I had my breakthrough,” he says and continues:”

” I have come into the scene a lot more now and is where I want to be and must wage war to become better and to be on the top. I’m not worried that I’ll lose it, I have the confidence in each match. But I’ll put down even more time in order to reach even higher.”

“the”Was better than I thought””

“Fredrik Sterner became a part of the Nip during the summer of 2017, and was seen as an unexpected and untested choice for such a large organization. But the doubters turned soon to the believers and the Rez now recall back to the moment when he got to meet legends like F0rest and Get_Right –his new team-mates.”

“– It was very large in the beginning when I got to meet them, it was very large for me. I was very new and they had no idea who I was, so it was a sick experience to get a chance to play with them. And it turned out better than I thought.”

“He says that it helped that he knew William, ”the Dragon,” Sundin then before, when they both played in Epsilon together. To get to know the other went the other hand extremely quickly.”

“– It only took a few weeks to become best friends with everyone in the team, they are good guys, all of them, ” says Fredrik Sterner.”

“When majorn kicks off, so is the Danish world number Astralis team who must be defeated. They are mentioned as one of the best teams in history and Rez admits that they are a team like Nip keep an extra eye on.”

“– They are on top, there is nothing you can do about it. But we are one of the few teams that like to play against them, and it is because we know how they play. They do not do weird stuff, but play is structured – and it is fun to play against. “

“– You take things from them and want to find something new so they are good to check on. Everyone has probably taken something from them, all want to take a piece of the best.”

“Big changes in the top teams.”

“the winter break has meant the silly season in esporten and several of the teams have undergone big changes. “

“Mibr has gone back to his previous helbrasilianska shelf and u.s. averages Stewie2k went over to Team Liquid. Earlier, it is clear that the Danish Karrigan left the star-studded Faze Clan – and has now been replaced by rallied and declared Adren. Sterner believe on one of the teams.”

” I think Liquid will be the most scary when they took Stewie2k, that is how sick good time. They have four really good individual players, then it depends on how they get it together. But they are already good and will get better.”

“Ninjas in pyjamas have not, however, made some changes, but may focus on growing as a team and individually. Fredrik ”Rez” Sterner has its personal goal for the year done.”

” I want to at least pick two or three of the MVP. I got a 2017 in Oakland, but no one in 2018. That would be nice.”

“Who will be the player of the year 2019? s1mple again.”

“What will be the team of the year 2019? If not us, I think Liquid”

“Who will be the breakthrough of the year? Maybe Twistzz (Team Liquid), even if he already hajpats a part”

“M4 or Aug? Aug, I have gone over completely to the now – ”

“Favoritkarta right now? Overpass”

“Patrik ”f0rest” Lindberg”

“Christopher ”GeT_RiGhT” Alesund”

“Dennis ”dennis” Edman”

“Fredrik ”REZ” Sterner”

“Jonas ”Lekr0” Olofsson”