Trævarefabrikkernes Sale have chosen to withdraw a product.

It happens after a child at the weekend had an ‘unfortunate experience’, as the store chain calls it in a press release.

There is a set of gymnastikringe in the tree with the attached rope. According to Trævarelastens Sale got the baby in the weekends the neck through the rope and fell down, so that the chin rested on the top part of the ring. The rope tightened, thus to behind the ears.

the Child is, fortunately, outside of death.

‘We estimate that the rope, as the rings get stuck in, can pose a risk of suffocation by improper use, and therefore we draw the gymnastics rings back. All who have purchased gymnastikringe at Trævarefabrikernes Sale can of course take bought gymnastikringe and get their money back. Even if you no longer have a bon on the product.’says Henrik Lange, who is the director of trækæden.