He knew not what he charted, the man who had tried to rob a woman in the brazilian Rio de Janeiro.

MMA-athlete Polyana Viana claims that she was waiting for an Uber, when a man came up to her.

When he saw that I saw him, he set himself beside me, claim Viana faced with MMAJunkie.

He asked me what time it was, I told it, and I saw that he had no plans to leave, ” says Viana, who tells us that the man should have asked to get her phone.

He said: “Give me the phone. Do not try you on something, I’m armed”. So he takes the hand of a gun journ.anm.), but I realized that it was too soft, ” says Viana on.

MMA ATHLETE: Polyana Viana (t.h.). Photo: Joe Scarnici//AFP/NTB Scanpix Show more Reacted

It should have shown that the pistolliknende the object was made of cardboard. Viana will no matter have reacted decisively in the situation.

He was very close to me, so I thought: “If it is a gun, he will not have time to draw it.” So I stood up. I struck twice and kicked. He fell, and when I held him in a rear naked choke. Then I placed him in the same place that we previously set and said: “Now we are waiting for the police”, claims Viana.

the Man should have been so flabbergasted that he did not resistance afterwards. He claimed that he had only asked how much the clock was.

He should also recently have been arrested and released in connection with another case.

Went viral

the President of the UFC, Dana White, let out a twofold image of Viana and it should be robber on his Instagram profile with the following text:

“To the left is Polyana Viana, one of our UFC athletes and to the right is the guy who tried to rob her,” writes Dana White, followed by emneknaggen: “veldigdårligidé”.

Afterwards, the story virally. An image search also shows it to be Polyana Viana stand behind the bloody man with a red T-shirt and the inscription “UFC”.

Polyana Viana has gone 12 MMA fights and has won ten of them.

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