It is remarkable that we again need to mobilize distriktsnorge to the demonstrations to ensure that the Parliamentary decision will be followed up by the government, ” says Gundersen to the Newspaper.

In the evening, it comes on again busslaster with protesters from the Inland areas to Oslo. As of two years ago, it is the government’s rovdyrpolitikk that provokes.

– We expect that it will be around 5 000 people, maybe more, ” says Gundersen, who now is the business / political boss in the Glommen Skog and chairman of the Naturbruksalliansen.

It is this alliance, consisting of Skogeierforbundet and a variety of skogeierlag, Bondelaget, Hunter and fiskerforbundet and Folkeaksjonen new rovdyrpolitikk which hosts Tuesday’s selection.


Aksjonistene to go in torchlight procession from Youngstorget to the Parliament, where there will be a variety of speeches and performances. The resistance against the government’s rovdyrpolitikk have a resonance in the progress party’s parliamentary group and the party’s representative in the presidency, Morten Wold have said yes to receive the message from the protesters.

Warns against hestehandel about the wolf – That I find myself not in the

the progress rovdyrpolitiske spokesperson Terje Halleland to hold appeal, as with the Sp-leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum and Aps Runar Sjåstad. But it is not appeals from His or Right, which, like the Labour party and the progress party was part of the ulveforliket from 2016.

– We have invited all the parties who were involved in this settlement to keep the appeal. When several parties do not meet, then it is only to register that it is the choice they have made, ” says Gundersen.


Stridens core is ulveforlikets adopted bestandsmål of 4-6 ynglinger each year, of which at least three shall be helnorske. That this bestandsmålet is fulfilled, at the same time as the government says no to shoot the wolf in two of the herds within the ulvesonen, namely Many in Akershus, norway/Hedmark and Hobøl in Østfold, provokes in several parties.

That the government before christmas for the first time gave a green light to shoot wolves within ulvesonen, by accepting the hunting of the wolves in the so-called Slettåsflokken, do not get the critics to silence themselves.

A wide majority at the Parliament gathered about a settlement in 2016 that demanded much of us all. No one got the will, but it was a compromise that the Parliament adopted. It is not tenable that this is not followed up. I’m very disappointed, ” he says.

Reject violations

the Government denies that it controls across the settlement from Parliament in 2016.

– We follow the Parliament to the letter, said the state secretary Atle Hamar (V) in the Climate and miljødepartementet when he visited The Political quarters on Tuesday morning.

We have taken out over 40 wolves in 2018 – 29 on the approved licenses, and then felled as nuisance – something that makes that it is actually taken out more wolf than ever, endorsed him.

He pointed out that the government in addition to stortingsvedtaket about bestandsmålet to relate to naturmangfoldsloven and Bernkonvensjonen. Hamar pointed out also that the date in the winter is registered 4,5 ynglinger, which is well within the bestandsmålet, even if tellesesongen not finished. Last year there was a 10.5 ynglinger – far over the goal.

“We’ve found a good balance between protection on the one hand, and to preserve beitenæring and business interests on the other,” says Hamar

– Out of the galley fires was

While the protesters gather in Oslo, norway, in progress regjeringsforhandlinger on Hadeland. Where fight the Left tooth and nail to preserve what the party describes as a sustainable Norwegian ulvestamme. The left was not part of the ulveforliket, but Gundersen expects that the other three parties put the cabinet in place in the negotiations.

the Government must follow the Parliament’s decision and the recommendation to rovviltnemndene. We respect rovviltnemndene, and it also should the government do. Instead, one becomes the lid out of the galley fires was of the Left, ” says Gundersen.

– This is the noise of the

Rovviltnemndene suggested to shoot the 43 wolves in the course of lisensjakten, among them three herds with a total of 17 animals within the ulvesonen – the established revirene in Hobøl, Many and Slettås. The decision to leave their municipality of residence. – and Many-revirene live, it meant that the quota be reduced with 14 animals.

– the Government relate to rovviltforliket, which says that we should have both rovvilt and grazers in Norway, said the climate and miljøminister Ola Elvestuen (V) when he presented the decision before christmas.

– Overkjører own principles

Gunnar Gundersen represented the County Right in the three periods in Parliament and wanted to embark on his fourth, but lost nominasjonskampen against Kristian Tonning Riise ahead of the parliamentary elections in 2017.

Ulvemotstander in the Right to attack on management

the 62-year-old from Åsnes led the way in the internal Right-the protests against the government in the winter of 2016 and 2017, when ulvedebatten last went high. The time was then klimaminister Vidar Helgesen unngjelde after a lot of utmeldinger in fylkeslaget.

– I’m still a member of the Right. The belief on the part of the individual and property rights are firmly established in me. It is Right that overkjører own principles here, ” says Gundersen.

He objects to the term “ulvemotstander” and says he is a supporter of a viable ulvestamme.

This is about that Political decisions should be followed up, ” he says.

Yellow vests

Friday invited regjeringsforhandlerne on Hadeland partirepresentanter from the Interior to the lunsjmøte at Granavolden Gjæstgiveri, where the calls are recorded.

Believes that the conservative party out of government: – We can’t keep on the way

the progress party Morten Ørsal Johansen took the opportunity to turn fixed the same as Duckworth, the fact that the Storting’s decision from 2016 is not followed up by the government. KrFs Tore Storehaug also has performed similar messages.

On questions about ulveprotestene is to be regarded as a Norwegian counterpart to The yellow vestene, the loose grouping that work in France, the answer Gundersen as follows:

I do not want to make such a comparison. Our selection will go quiet and dignified. But this debate is about much more than wolf. The wolf is a symbol of the struggle that people in rural areas now have to lead in order to be allowed to manage natural resources, ” he says.