“Request tracked vehicles to cope snövarning”

“A snowstorm has taken over the country with warnings of major snowfall in several parts. In Norrtälje, the emergency service has asked for the help of the armed Forces to be able to put the tracked vehicles.”

“– If there will be such heavy snowfall that the roads not be passable, or that it is falling trees, ” says Jacob Öhrn, at the emergency services.”

“SMHI class 2 warning for snow and strong drivbildning in Uppsala and Gävleborg county. In Norrtälje municipality, the emergency service has now asked the Swedish armed Forces, subsidies in order to be able to send out tracked vehicles. In the municipality is still 6 200 households without power after the storm, Alfrida, and the tree then almost fallen can now fall under the new heavy snow and wind, according to the emergency services.”

“– It is if it would be needed. If it gets so much snowfall that the roads not be passable or if it falls of trees and we can’t clear roads when we need to come up to someone with care or räddningsbehov. Then it may be a tracked vehicle, ” says Jacob Öhrn, external command at the emergency services in the municipality of Norrtälje.”

“in Addition to the warnings over Gästrikland, Uppland and western Svealand, is expected in the Region mostly rain, while the northern region gets snow and eastern Svealand are expected to have mixed rain and snow, but not so intense that there are reasons to warn, according to the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute.”

“Even in a Region transitioning the rain to snow during the evening and night for it is cooler air flowing down across the country,” says Sandra Andersson.”

“Wednesday, the temperature is expected to drop to the minus side also in the Region.”

“– There are good chances that the snow can get to fold and give the white landscape in the future, ” says Sandra Andersson.”