“The liberals in the meeting with the main candidates”

“the Parties switches after the christmas holidays up the process of getting a new government. The two main contenders Stefan Löfven (S) and Ulf Kristersson (M), met in great secrecy, the Liberals ‘ national executive and the parliamentary group on Monday.”

“– It is our responsibility now to work with other parties to ensure that Sweden actually gets a government, said Liberal leader Jan Björklund afterwards.”

“Already this morning met with the social Democrats’ leader Stefan Löfven and the Conservatives leader Ulf Kristersson, the Liberals ‘ national executive and parliamentary group. But first, at 16 o’clock came the Liberals themselves out of the meeting.”

” We have today had in-depth discussions but we have not taken any decision. We do, on partirådet that we have on Sunday. Today we have been home to both statsministerkandidaterna to hear how they look at the political situation. I for the conversations with them all the time, but it’s also good that everyone in the league and the powers must listen to them, ” said Björklund.”

“Something new was revealed not really during the day, he believes.”

“– What their policies are, we know, of course, but it is also about how they look at it paralmentariska the situation and how each government will work towards the parliament and ytterkantspartierna, said Bjorklund.”

“According to individual liberals TT spoken with in the democratic party leans to the now, as more and more länsförbund takes the stand, that the Liberals release the forward Ulf Kristersson as prime minister. It did not Jan Björklund confirm.”

” Each one must take responsibility for where it is leaning. I will give my vengeance on the partirådet on Sunday,” he said.”

“the Day before, on Saturday, the Liberal national executive to take a position on which recommendation to give partirådet.”

“According to several members, is the fragmentation of the party is still big, something that today’s meeting is not changed. One who does not support Jan björklund’s line to drop, until Stefan Löfven is the party of rättspolitiske spokesperson Johan Pehrson, who want to Ulf Kristersson will be prime minister.”

” It is my opinion that the wise line, he said to the TT after the meeting.”