Royalty you as a member of a royal family a lot of money on your account, is no huge surprise. But which royal house score now is actually the best? With the start of the new year, MSN Money to good practice a eindejaarslijstje on to find out. These are the richest and most powerful royals of 2018.

For those who still doubt: the wealth of the richest royal families in the world do the billions of Bill Gates or Amazon ceo Jeff Bezos turn pale. They have no millions, but tens, hundreds or even thousands of billions on their account. However, it is a little surprising. For example, the British royals with their rated power of 720 million euro nowhere in sight, and the Grimaldi’s of Monaco with their fortune of 875 million euros just outside the top 10.

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The House of Khalifa, dating from 1766 and reigns over the small island nation in the Persian Gulf. The current king, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, was formerly known as the Emir of Bahrain, and called themselves in 2002 to the king.

The royal family began billions to earn, when in 1932 the first oil well in the country was discovered. The House of Khalifa was indeed so arranged that in the family until 1973, every year, a third of all oil revenues of the country received. The black gold could thus be the basis of their immense fortune.

in the Meantime, would the royal family a sloppy 3,49 billion possess. They use their money for large investments. Only been in the United Kingdom possess the royals for more than 700 million euros in real estate. According to some sources, the actual sum of their fortune to be much higher.