at The start of his trip to Africa has development Minister Müller transport problems: The visit of its Delegation from Malawi to Zambia is delayed by problems with the government machine.

the first German Federal Minister for around 18 years, Gerd Müller, Malawi has visited. The journey of the Minister for Development to Zambia delayed, however: According to information from the ARD correspondent Martin Polansky, who accompanied the Delegation, cannot start, the government machine.

hardware problem, air pressure valve

Müller was an hour late at the airport in Lilongwe arrived. The conversation with the President of Malawi, Mutherika, had taken longer than planned – it went on the further Development of cooperation. In the government machine, then, after a few minutes the surprising message: There were problems with a compressed air valve in the cabin, its ability to function for the flight is essential.

ARD correspondent Martin Polansky is in the journey.

The machine has been completely shut down, in the hope that the Problem is solved. After more than an hour wait, and the restart of the electronics but it was clear: The valve is defective. The Pilot speaks of a hardware error.

The machine of the flight readiness of the Bundeswehr was purchased seven years ago. The aircraft of the type “Global 5000” according to the pilot reliably. A Problem with the valve have been in the plane ever.

mishap throws travel plan to

The Delegation examined in the meantime, the replacement compounds and a line found machine to Lusaka in Zambia. Müller wanted to schedule anyway, to Zambia, however, only in the North of the country, to visit a copper mine, and to attend other appointments.

Only on Tuesday, it should give then to Lusaka for talks with Zambian President Lungu that can take place. However, Müller has to pass now, probably the whole Rest of the trip with scheduled flights. To Zambia a visit to Namibia is planned. Müller takes it with Humor. “We would probably have to have a mechanic take.”

Several mishaps with the “Konrad Adenauer”

Recently it was increased to between cases with the government machine “Konrad Adenauer”. In November, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is due to a technical Defect. their flight to the G20 summit in Buenos Aires interrupt

By rodents paralyzed: The government machine “Konrad Adenauer” is due to technical problems at the airport, Nusa Dua in Indonesia

In October stranded the Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, velvet Delegation to the meeting of the International monetary Fund on Bali, because rodents electronics cable of the government plane had nibbled. The Ministry of Finance had to the boss’s office spokesman, state secretaries and bodyguards on a scheduled flight to rebook to 20 journalists and other delegation members remained in Indonesia.

on a trip to Africa by the President of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, there had been recent delays with the “Konrad Adenauer” due to a technical defect of an engine.