In an op-ed in Politiken in connection with the queen’s new year’s speech called the two young republicans Claes Kirkeby Theilgaard and Magnus Sæbye, among other things the royal family ‘are the most udanske and harmful institution at all’ and nytårstalen ‘an important insight into how wrong it is for the royalist Denmark’.

These statements are dropped Per Pallesen as much for the chest, that he has set himself to the keys and formulated a response, which he in the strongest terms criticizes the founder and landsformanden in the ‘Young Republicans’, as he calls uforforskammede.

‘Your post shows a disregard of the majority of the Danish population, who perceive the royal family as a unifying focal point of their everyday life. All have, of course, allowed to have their own opinion. There must be no doubt, but your brazen attack on the queen and our royal family is simply under lavmålet’, writes Per Pallesen in his letter to the editor in the newspaper Politiken with the unambiguous title ‘Spare us, however, for your ukærlige uforskammetheder’.

Queen Margrethe held this year in the new year at Fredensborg Castle. Photo: Keld Navntoft

Danish royal – 31. dec. 2018 – at. 16:29 Young republicans says: the Royal family is poison for democracy

the Post from the two young republicans call Per Pallesen’s a stupid and unintelligent bashing of our royal house, and specially the tone of the Per Pallesens post comes a bit behind on the young republicans.

– I was, to put it mildly surprised when I read Per Pallesens very angry post. It is the aim to get many to debate the royal family, but I think that Per Pallesen debate on an irrelevant and unconstructive way in which he chooses to call me and Claes a number of things – among other things ukærlige and impertinent – and I don’t think that is in order, says Magnus Sæbye, who is chairman of the Young Republicans.