The electronic identity card should simplify the life of citizens. However, the balance is sobering. Can revive the “Grand coalition” of the project?

a Good eight years after the introduction of the electronic identity card, short-ePerso, the outcome is rather sobering, even for Burkhard Lischka, an interior politician of the SPD in the Bundestag:

“have We. without a doubt, a massive problem of Acceptance,” says Lischka “On the one hand, the number of possibilities is extremely limited, and on the other there are offers such as the electronic tax Declaration, which you can use without ePerso comfortable.”

online function, more and more ePersos

on How many active users there are, say, the Federal Ministry of the interior on request. Even otherwise, the written response from the CSU-led Ministry is not specific enough. According to one estimate, the online function is turned on at about 26 million Cards. Since last year, this is done automatically – unless someone expressly disclaims.

the spread of The ePersos is still low.

Since then, the number of ePersos increases, but for practical dissemination, the Ministry explains: more and more authorities, citizens could use services online, and it was to be assumed that this positive development with further applications to continue.

set by the coalition of CDU, CSU and SPD, at least in the coalition contract. SPD politician Lischka calls are not able to log off examples: “cars only, but also to log the Pass or extend parental benefits to apply for. Only when these offers are there, I’m sure, will increase the acceptance of the ePerso too,” he says.

gaps in the privacy

What is going on everywhere: the number of points in Flensburg, queries, news for children, money and pension. Otherwise, it depends on where you live. The “ID portal” lists the occasional services of the municipalities of: So you can order in Wiesbaden with the ePerso postal ballot documents, in Nuremberg, a liquor license for restaurants in Hamburg Bafög apply online.

But above it all hovers the criticism, which relates to data protection. Since the ePerso was introduced, are always gaps showed up, and in the case of sensitive data. Only a few weeks ago, hackers have shown how easy identity theft can be: you signed up via the Software as a “Johann Wolfgang von Goethe”.

“screw the wrong turns”

Konstantin von Notz, member of the German Bundestag for the Green and data protection expert, sees the project ePerso critical: “I think it is a failure, one has to rotate the screw many years ago in the wrong. Now you are sitting wrong,” says von Notz. “As it has been in the start-up phase of the massive problems. And these problems, which were all very visible, have eroded the fundamental trust and since then it has been not cured.”

Therefore, advocates of Notz for a complete change of system. However, after the it looks. That would be too expensive, said SPD interior expert Lischka, and would throw the efforts back years. I don’t need the government, if you want to awaken the sleeping project ePerso at all to life.

balance: Electronic identity card
Vera wolf fighting, ARD Berlin
06.01.2019 23:38 PM

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