A resident left paying rent, mess up the floor and left the apartment dirty.

Jämsä Her Pride go mid-December to review investment studio apartment in the condition of Jämsänkoski. The lease with the tenant was terminated, and the apartment had to be emptied and cleaned out. Confronted, however, was chaos.

the tenant had left the apartment without cleaning it up, the apartment had furniture, dishes and other items. Soup corner dirty dishes filled the sink, and found the frying pan still leftovers, too. Floor plastic mat was drawn in the pentagram.

the tenants were left paying rent since September. Neighbors had also complained to the apartment and the stairwell coming from the noise.

– Fortunately, the resident said actually lease most of it, because otherwise the process would become more complicated. Originally the apartment had to be empty already at the end of November, but the tenant pleaded for more time, Jylhä says.

Kitchenette was filled with dishes and leftovers. Pride’s first thought was to put the apartment up for sale, so that the same wouldn’t have to experience again. Pirjo Pride the tenants didn’t take while moving throughout the property. The apartment owner Pirjo Pride has been using the apartment cleaning and clearing for several hours. Pirjo pride the tenant did not agree to clear out the apartment

Pride onvuokrannut apartment for 20 years, and he has never previously had problems with the tenants.

Police advised the woman to make the matter a criminal offence.

– Never missed rent. I have, however, during these years could have been many, many tenants, he says.

the tenant did not agree to clear out the apartment in the end, but give Jylhälle permission to hold left contents itself.

the New tenants had Pride, purpose get to change the apartment for christmas, but the plans broke down. New tenant found himself for the second rental apartment.

– Yes, go christmas ruined when time need to use the apartment clearing and cleaning up. I have spent several hours cleaning the apartment. My husband was carrying his friend with a big pile of stuff the waste treatment plant.

the Apartment had been submitted, inter alia, sofa, bed and dishes, as well as a lot of garbage. Pirjo Pride”I Have lost my trust in people”

the City will pay the tenant the security deposit, so some of the costs of Pride gets reset to a month’s rent in the sum.

– Yes here though a few hundred have their own bag to put these expenses, and when vuokriakin is getting no, so the legal process through them is certainly going to inherit. The floor drawn in the pentagram doesn’t feel off in any cleaning way. It may be that you need to replace the whole carpet.

pride’s first thought was that he put the apartment up for sale.

He told reporters that the incident will definitely affect him as a landlord.

rugged more annoying to their neighbors caused disturbance and annoyance.

– I Will continue to be particularly careful tenant selection. I’ve been gullible and didn’t want to trust people. This is a miserable feeling. I’ve lost my trust in people, Pride says.