controls of the Libyan coast guard to ensure that the tractor will always bring less people from North Africa to Italy. The Numbers in other countries will increase in the Mediterranean.

The Frontex report, 2018 leaves no doubt: The refugee routes across the Mediterranean sea will change. Especially from the Niger-scale Smugglers are avoiding, in the meantime, the so-called Central Mediterranean route via Libya to Italy, a Route that is controlled by the Libyan coast guard.

registered route On this Central Mediterranean in the last year, the lowest arrivals since 2012. The number of out of Libya, the coming of illegal migrants fell compared to the previous year to 87 percent. Migrants from Mali, Guinea, ivory coast, Togo, Tunisia, Senegal and the Congo, from soft since the middle of last year, mainly on the Western Mediterranean route.

more and more Migrantion to Spain

gangs are increasingly specialising in the Route from Morocco to Spain. The number of incoming African migrants has doubled in the past year. Alone in June of 2018, traveled to 7300 people illegally to Spain. For example, the Spanish exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla on the Moroccan coast.

600 migrants stormed the end of July, the six-Meter high border fence of Ceuta. Several Spanish border policemen were injured when some of the migrants to brand lime and improvised flame-put thrower. In the autumn the number of from Africa to Spain, immigrants continued to increase, to more than 10.700 in October alone.

Long Spain was spared as one of the few countries in the EU, largely from right-wing populism. How long you ask concern in Brussels. For in December, the castle of Andalusia, won the regional election in the former socialist high-a right-wing party from the prior twelve percent of the vote.

read More immigration to Greece

“We would like to be faster in the case of the reinforcement of the EU border protection Agency Frontex”, stressed for months the EU Commission. This is not an arbitrary idea, which is to be developed, the Commission simply underscores Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker’s spokesman. Frontex should be increased from 1500 to ten thousand men, and to the protection of the external borders and deportations, it is a much more important role to play – the desire of the EU Commission. But several EU States are fighting back. “A normal discussion process at the European level”, stressed Juncker’s spokesman.

increased refugee pressure Frontex observed not only on the Western Mediterranean route to Spain. Also on the Eastern Mediterranean route from Turkey to Greece the number of migrants has increased in the past year, in spite of the 2016 conclusion of the EU-refugee deals with Turkey.

Around 4,800 people were there last June, around 6800 in October. These are dramatically lower Numbers than before the Turkey Deal, but the trend is growing. Mainly Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis trying to to go according to Frontex, from Turkey to the Greek Islands. And by land to Greece to try it more and more Turks.

FRONTEX report: refugees and soft on the Western Mediterranean Route from
Ralph Sina, WDR Brussels
06.01.2019 23:35 PM

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