Three days on the CSU sat together in the monastery of Seeon. The messages you no longer want to argue with the CDU. And All are behind Europe-the top candidate Weber. But the harmony of life is?

It is Thursday evening in the snowy courtyard of the monastery of Seeon: In the spotlight of the television cameras Annegret Kramp is on the rise-Karrenbauer out of the car. The welcoming Committee of the CSU land group receives the new CDU leader stressed cordially: Bussi links, Bussi, right, hugs, new year wishes and little jokes.

Söder want the CSU to “ventilate”

The designated CSU leader Markus Söder is not. The has, however, made on the day 1 of the exam in Seeon, where it is with the CSU in the year 2019 to go. The Christian Democrats had to call it the year of renewal. It was important that CSU “air through” said Söder.

The CSU must respond to changes in society and a constructive and likeable, also, female, younger, and more open. Söder wants only the topic of Migration play, he speaks with Soli-abolition and reduction of the corporate tax policy issues.

CSU land group chief Dobrindt warned, the explanation by the authorities wait and see.

Seehofer leaves the field

No more fighting, not CSU internally and not with the sister party, as a new year’s resolution is. The outgoing CSU Chairman Horst Seehofer, no longer holds, expresses the major guidelines of the party in Seeon. He speaks as Federal Minister of the interior, should he stay, and a kind of melancholy. These hours in Seeon had for him a special Moment, because he’ll walk for the last Time as party Chairman of the CSU, a winter retreat for his party.

Weber warns AfD

Others Say, Manfred Weber, for example, have now, the top candidate of the European Conservatives for the European elections in may. A Europe closer to the people, he, the policy reports in the foreign to have a stronger voice wants. Weber warns during his visit in Seeon, with a view to the Brexit in front of the AfD.

“the UK is in political Chaos, who wants this mess in Germany, too, must choose AfD, will get what is given to the British also, because they followed the populists. For me, the message is: It is 1000 times better, to renew Europe to leave Europe or to destroy it.”

“world premiere” with Kramp-Karrenbauer in the Seeon

Yes to Europe and Yes to the Union, these signals are of Seeon 2019. The CDU leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer was given a lot of space. An unusual amount of space, also in the closing press conference. The CSU land group chief Alexander Dobrindt spoke of a “world premiere” and a clear Signal that the Union wished to keep the Balance between cohesion and debate. The new CDU leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer agreed Dobrindt.

The strength in the past of the CDU and the CSU had been, Kramp-Karrenbauer, not to define themselves as a cover of the same party, but to emphasize what unites the sisters in a large consensus, but also to accept the quirks.