Tiia and Markus Kisonen son on Wednesday decided to birth directly in the car, even though the hospital was only ten minutes away.The boy is Tiia Kisonen six children. Previous births have been normal in the hospital. Home album

joensuu living in Markus and Tiia Kisonen a baby boy was the rush of the world. So busy, that he decided to be born in volvo’s back seat. Incident reporting the first Karjalainen.

on Wednesday morning Tiia Kisonen, 31, sparked a 28-year-old husband and warned that contractions have started. The boys calculated time was only a couple weeks away, so Mark Kisonen was in no hurry, but decided first to do snow removal. The expectant mother was the first peace of mind.

Uusioperhe had already five children, who needed a delivery room nurse.

I Called my sister, that you may need to come to us today to babysit. Soon I’ll call however already again and I said come right now. Contractions began suddenly be so violent, Tiia Kisonen recalls Saturday, the North Karelia central hospital.

World Pielisjoen on the bridge

the expectant mother interrupted her husband snow removal vigorously, and the couple left to drive to the hospital.

it never occurred to me at the stage to order an ambulance. The north Karelia central hospital to drive us about ten minutes, so I was one hundred percent sure that we could make it, Markus Kisonen said.

however, this never happened. The car didn’t run very long when the Room began to ponnistutti. The boy was born a Volvo in the front seat Pielisjoen border Pekkala bridge.

Markus Kisonen didn’t go in a situation to panic. Because the road was familiar, he estimates, what would be the best point to stop.

I Stopped and started it there the bench of the baby digging, after which I’ll call an ambulance, the boy’s new dad said.

the Ambulance arrived at the nearest gas station to pick up the family to the hospital. North Karelia rescue department confirmed the incident the evening paper.

I don’t have much recollection of the situation, because everything happens so fast. In that moment the only working and didn’t panic. The next night, then I stayed up and wondered what all the awful might have happened, Tiia Kisonen said.

Markus Kisonen with his son. Home album name for the exchange

the Boy is the couple’s fourth child. He weighed in at 2760 grams and was 47.5 cm long. The boy may be well, but has not yet gone home, as is currently receiving light treatment.

Violent birth the boy received head bruises, which are now being treated.

the Birth was quite the action film. Now that we have this little recovered, so this seemed incredible and insanely great, the couple said.

a Name in a hurry born for boys is already known, but it will not be announced until the christening.

as far as I can, however, reveal that we had in mind quite another name, which changed then this violent birth, Markus Kisonen tell.