Because of the last critical voices want to open the armor group Ruag . In the first half of 2019 should be disclosed to the Federal financial control of all the Numbers of the plane range open. The stated Ruag CEO Urs Breitmeier in the “Saturday review” of SRF. In the case of the audit will, in particular, whether the Ruag compliance with the profit agreement with the Federal office for defence (armasuisse). Breitmeier rejected all criticism of to high profit margins.

in mid-December, had found the Newspapers “Eastern Switzerland on Sunday” and “Central Switzerland on Sunday”, relying on Stakeholders and on the basis of documents that the Ruag shall have provided to the defense Department over the years to high bills in the amount of tens of millions of francs.

The Newspapers wrote that the margin should be in the units that deal with maintenance, repair and upgrading of the jet and the military helicopter, 30 or 35 percent. This is much more than the Federal maximum allowed of 8 to 10 percent.

let Breitmeier on the radio contribution from Saturday, and a comparison with the post-car affair, do not apply. He stressed that you have applied no accounting tricks and no subsidies.

No income limits

The Swiss fighter jets and helicopters would be maintained on the basis of Five-year contracts with armasuisse. At the negotiating table, experts from armasuisse, the would know the market price, was accused of conspiracy. It price handle fixed contracts. On the basis of the profits each year would be granted discounts and the profits would also be used in new contract negotiations.

in Principle, there is “no profit limit for the Ruag”, – said wide-Meier. The end of the year, the profit is the margin between 8 and 10 percent. Sources speak of a profit margin of 30 percent or more, is not reliable.

misjudgement in the case of arms exports

As an unexpected “shot in the leg” referred to Breitmeier of the widespread criticism of the Parliament and the population to a planned easing of arms exports in civil war countries. The Federal Council was finally gekrebst after the great misunderstanding in the matter.

The result is, according to Breitmeier, that “the arms business in Switzerland is not a business model”. For years, Ruag is in the area of armaments, no major investment project. The Swiss arms industry is not to be compared with the European countries are competitive because they “could not export”. For the defence industry of Switzerland, the most important thing was to maintain the Status Quo.

unbundling the cost of 70 million

wide-Meier estimated costs for the current year, the planned unbundling of the Ruag in part for the Swiss army and an international part to 70 million Swiss francs.

These costs needed to generate the Ruag by the sale of Parts, which would offer no synergies with the Swiss business. (fal/sda)

Created: 05.01.2019, 14:15 Uhr