the Danish police late on Friday evening handed over the terrordømte Said Mansour to the moroccan authorities.

It confirms the prime minister’s office.

– I am very pleased that we with the broadcast of Said Mansour sends a clear signal to the outside world, said prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V).

– Deep criminal aliens, which undermines our values, and even promote terror, have no place in Danish society, he adds.

Lars Løkke Rasmussen was in Morocco last month, where the return of Said Mansour was also brought up.

According to the minister for foreign affairs Anders Samuelsen (LA), it has taken a long time to get an agreement in place with Morocco.

– I have personally taken up the matter with the moroccan foreign minister several times, like the prime minister, of course, also did the 10. december. It has been a long process, and that is why I am also extra happy that we got the goal, ” says Anders Samuelsen.

– Said Mansour is all games, shown and does not belong in Denmark. Therefore, it’s great that he has now been sent home to Morocco. It is absolutely critical for the danes retsfølelse, says Samuelsen.

the Danish people’s udlændingeordfører, Martin Henriksen, is delighted that Mansour now is the past in Denmark.

– So relax we are with yet another islamist, and it is a wonderful feeling. We have good enough struggled for a long time, he says.

– Now, he ends up probably in one or another boring cell in a paltry moroccan prison, and it suits us just fine in the Danish people’s Party.

Earlier Friday reported Radio24syv, that the 58-year-old Mansour at 17.40 was put on a passenger plane from Copenhagen Airport at Casablanca, Morocco.

Said Mansour was in 2015 of the Eastern high Court sentenced to four years in prison for calling for terror and to pay tribute to al-Qaeda.

He was also stripped of his Danish citizenship and expelled for ever. It was upheld by the Supreme court in 2016.