“She cuts your head off you without even notice that you bleed”, it is said about Nancy Pelosi (78), from the leader of the House of Representatives. In Washington DC it is considered a compliment. When the testimonial comes from her daughter, Alessandra, is the hold in the warning. Here it is not some dear mother.

Pelosi’s method has Donald Trump have already received notice. In a first meeting in The oval office before christmas, rundspilte she Trump without a time to raise your voice. He did. Trump went straight in the trap and promised that he would stop payments to the public if he’s not got billions to the wall.

The iconic image of a happy Pelosi who are walking out of The white house in the orange coat and big glamorous sunglasses, tells us that she as usual had achieved exactly what she wanted. For the sake strewed she salt in the wounds when she indulgent called the wall “a mannegreie” and said that she would consider the proposal again in the day, Trump got to Mexico to pay for the wall so he promised in the election.

Finally, it appears that the democrats has found one that can deal with Trump, and it is one that represents all that he supposedly hates: A Washington veteran from a politikerfamilie, a liberaler and feminist from San Francisco, a inside in the corridors who know each trick in the book.

Maybe the Pelosis impressive track record of the very most humiliating for amatøren Trump. Pelosi is known as one of Washington’s smartest and most effective legislators and be given including credit for the disputed bank – and finanslover in the wake of the financial crisis and the scheme which ensures that the children of undocumented immigrants, so-called “dreamers” gets a temporary stay in the united STATES. She became legendary when she against all the odds provided for each of the republicans has baptized Obamacare and that Trump went to the options to get removed.

In his inaugural address this week pledged her to go loose on both våpenlovgivning and mitigation, as well as continue the fight for migrantbarna.

Pelosi has been in hard weather , both during the Clinton, Bush and Obama, has been deposited and come back. She is what the americans call a “survivor”, one that survives where other bows under. At the age of 78 years, she had to promise the younger democrats that she, after all, just will sit in the four years that the “speaker”. There were still a handful that did not vote for her because they would complete the generasjonsskiftet after Hillary Clinton’s defeat.

Pelosi has been just as central in the party for decades, including as leader of the party. Already as a young woman in the 1980s, she had so many offices and positions that she asked an older partifelle if maybe she should give up some. It seemed clean for the greedy. She was wisely advised to continue as she is arraigned: do you Think any man would have thought so? No, know your power!

With Trump in The white house referred to the position as speaker as “the most powerful in Washington”. After the democrats won back the majority in the house of Representatives, they will have the opportunity to keep kontrollhøringer, summon witnesses and start riksrettssak.

Trump is warned. Pelosi says that the democrats do not want to use’s impeachment for political reasons, but rather do not let be for political reasons.

It can at all be bothersome for Trump with Pelosi as head of the House, although the republicans still have control in the Senate. There is everything at the old. In the Senate, there are several named Jim than there are women. But the mellomvalg alerts about a change in Congress. A record number of women and minorities will put a new stamp on a traditional white mannsbastion, also in the democratic party. Many of them are young and progressive, many of them are mobilized by the Trumps presidency, of racism, anti-feminism and the toxic polarization in american politics. So can Trump indirectly contribute to meet one of his other election promises, the promise to “drain the swamp”, clean Washington insiders and the corruption. He has not even contributed to, to say it gently.

Nancy Pelosis most important job is to keep Donald Trump in the ears and ask him to responsibility. It has not happened with the republican majority in both chambers. To mellomvalget in the fall. Trump has been shredding up as he want without the republicans had the backbone to stop him.

Pelosi is no lack of courage, but is not overconfident. It is well to have been out a winter night before. Many winter nights. Her razor-sharp handling of the Trump in The white house, what happened for the open camera, and displayed for all the world that the president’s achilles ‘ heel is the lack of knowledge and a lemfeldig relation to the facts. He is a humbug. Thus he was an easy target for a journalist himself as Pelosi.

Donald Trump did not a time that he began to bleed.