– Can be all of the globalists to have their school fees back.

– It shows up enough that when the Uk get a hard exit, as it is them who win on it.

– It is what the EU fears (by).

How to write Jørn C in the per the most popular of the comments that are written on the Berlingskes Facebook page for a review of the U.s. economy during Trump:

And Jørn are not the only one who welcomes to the UNITED states – in may be able to measure a very low unemployment rate of 3.8 per cent., the lowest in 18 years and recorded a growth in GDP of 2.7 per cent., an increase of 0.7 per cent. compared with the last two years under Obama – enjoy Trumps decisions.

Edward Prescott, who in 2004 got a nobel prize in economics, wrote the lead in the Wall Street Journal, that the recovery – which can be measured at a record-high optimism in the small business – due to virksomhedsskatten was lowered from 35 per cent. to 21 per cent. The economist also points Trumps deregulation, which, according to Berlingske has meant that there removed a third of the pages in the federal reguleringsregister.

– I shall never forget election night when Trump was president.
– Mage to the stark downturn for the DR’s effeminate journalistkorps is never seen in the past. the
Trump is doing a great job for the americans, but it comes the Danish globaliseringsliderlige press never to admit, writes Thomas L in another popular comment, while Joe B believes that it is Trump is doing, is equivalent to taking a piss in the pants:
– The majority are well how to set to agree in that if you borrow of the future, and now uses today so it seems to go well today with the higher probability of it going bad in the future.

– The tax cuts that Trump has been introduced, clearly a function that can be compared with that piss in your pants in winter to keep warm.

– It looks good right here and now, but the deficit becomes greater and it is expected to Trump the will add as much to the debt as Obama did in the whole of his period alone in the Trumps one period.

– Now you can not rightly accuse Trump of something that really started under Reagan. – It was him that sent the UNITED states on a course towards one or another creepy, for lånevækst have to stop abruptly, writes Joe, but what are you thinking?