The Verdi trade Union and the employer have agreed to significant wage increases for the roughly 11,000 employees of the cash-in-transit industry. The collective bargaining agreement with a term of two years, see an increase in the charges in two levels between 7.7 and 17.1 per cent, said Verdi on Friday. “With these increases, we go far beyond the ’threshold of pain’,” said Harald Gideonstrumpet, chief Executive of the Federal Association of German money and valuables services (BDGW).

In the interest of the customers and the consumers they wanted to reach a quick end to the three-day warning Strikes. However, he pointed out that the prices for the cash handling would increase at such high wage increases. Previously, the Association had rejected the demanded wage increases because they would be passed on in the Form of fees to the consumer.

three workers strike showed impact

Since Wednesday had exercised the cash-in-transit-employees with work stoppages to pressure employers. The impact on the supply of cash according to information from banks and trading still low, because they had taken appropriate precautions. In Berlin and Brandenburg, the respective companies had been on strike. But even here, the cash supply was hardly affected. In the case of a continuation of the strike action of the trade had feared but they have their limitations.

Verdi negotiator Arno Peukes spoke of an “excellent” collective result. “The high level of employee participation in the warning Strikes at the start of the year has made this possible.” The collective result is also another important step towards the approximation of the charges between the Federal States, Verdi. Streikts in-the-money trades transport had nourished in the past few years, the fear of shortages in the supply of cash.

The agreement is not yet in dry towels

In dry towels, the agreement is not yet: As the statements go far beyond the requirements of the BDGW member companies want to the employer on the 21. February to vote in an extraordinary General meeting on the adoption of the collective outcome, such as Gideonstrumpet said. The BDGW 33 member companies at present, with a total of 86 branches. Overall, the industry is going around their value of shipments, with about 2500 armored special vehicles, their turnover last year was around 600 million euros.

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strike at the money the cash vans in the next few days in Germany?

Thorsten Mumme

Verdi has recommended to its members the adoption of the result, put it to the vote. The employer and the Union agreed to a three-week period, up to 24. In January, the collective agreement to accept final. (reuters)