Donald Trump and his supporters still maintain that Robert mueller’s investigation is a “witch-hunt” that has got to last for too long. In fact, it has never before in american history been so many close associates of a president who has been convicted or sent to jail during such a short period: on the one and a half years, has 33 people and three companies have been convicted or indicted. Crimes related to everything from skattefiffel and deception to the false testimony to the FBI. Many of those who have been convicted or admitted violation, which Trumps personal lawyer Michael Cohen, the security policy adviser, Michael Flynn, former kampanjstrategerna Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and Rick Gates, was a close associate. In Manaforts cases, it is the first time since the Watergate scandal of the 1970s that a sitting presidents in the past kampanjchef sentenced to imprisonment.

include the people who are even closer to Trump, as his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner or strategist Roger Stone, one of Trump’s most long-standing friends and co-workers. According to sources at NBC can mueller’s investigation be made public already in February. Then we’ll probably know if the president himself can suffer.

If it is difficult to keep track of all the threads and accusations in the investigation, it is because it concerns so many different alleged crimes and scandals. Initially focused the investigation on the Trump campaign any dealings with Russia during the presidential elections in 2016. There has been several close associates have already been convicted for having lied to the FBI. Many key individuals in the investigation have also chosen to cooperate with Mueller, in exchange for more lenient punishment, which may indicate that they are sitting on sensitive information on Trump. During the course of the study, other crimes are uncovered. They have touched the civilian rule and payments to the two women to keep quiet about relationship with Trump.

is that all alleged crimes should have taken place during Trump’s campaign. It explains why the issue is so sensitive for Trump. This applies not only to his future as a free citizen, and president, but also the legitimacy of his election victory in 2016.

Trump’s most loyal supporters are still trying to dismiss the investigation as nonsense. Rudolph Giuliani, Trump’s legal adviser, said recently that it is “time for Mueller to put the cards on the table or shut up”. But winter’s revelations about Trump negotiated a real estate deal in Moscow during the election campaign, while he and his colleagues dismissed all of the claims this, has prompted even the most conservative voices in the united states to become concerned about. John Podhoretz, the editor of the prestigious högertidskriften Commentary, admits in a column that he changed his mind when it comes to mueller’s investigation. After having been a skeptic two years, he says now that the investigation revealed that Trump has had clear business interests in Russia, and his colleagues seem to have coordinated their videos with Russian actors. In the conservative National Review, writes David French to mueller’s investigation already has proven to Trump’s behavior has been “unacceptable” and blames him for having increased Putin’s popularity among republicans.

the network has mueller’s investigation has already been a disaster. Many of his oldest friends and most long-standing employees may soon be in jail. For Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen and Roger Stone saw Trumps victory, first-out as a potential gold mine. Now, two of them already sentenced to prison terms, while the Stone has trapped itself in a web of accusations and recently dejectedly said to his career as a political strategist can be over.

as the investigation approaches of the president, increases the risk that Trump is trying to put it down. Mueller should so far have addressed questions to the Trump personally if, among other things, the meeting with Russian contacts at the Trump Tower in the summer of 2016, the communication between Wikileaks and Roger Stone and Michael cohen’s contacts with the russians. Even if it is not possible to prove that Trump has done something illegal in these cases, it is possible to Trump the response he wrote to Mueller may have broken the law by lying under oath. When the department of justice’s internal guidelines recommend to avoid prosecution for a sitting president, it does not automatically Trump would face impeachment, but instead an explosive political conflict take in in congress.

Recently dismissed Trump justice minister Jeff Sessions, in order to replace him with Matthew Whitaker, who expressed himself very critical of mueller’s investigation, often with Trump’s own choice of words that it would move on a “witch-hunt”. As acting minister of justice Whitaker now the power to prevent mueller’s investigation are published.

stop mueller’s investigation at the same time increases the risk that he faced impeachment. Parallel to this, a number of other investigations that Trump can not prevent.

Adam Schiff, a democrat who will become chairman of the house of representatives underrättelsekommitté in the week, has previously said in an interview with DN that investigations of Trumps any corruption, tax evasion and the private economy will have a high priority in the spring. Even the state of New York has initiated studies of Trump’s enterprises, which is based here.

After 85 weeks with mueller’s investigation into waiting for the long period of new investigations.