the News of the massive hackerangreppen against politicians and other famous people will create great concern in Germany, where work to identify jätteläckan is in full swing.

Among the stolen information published via social media channels available including hundreds of phone numbers and addresses of high-ranking politicians, celebrities and journalists, according to the tv company ARD and the newspaper Picture. But also private information such as chat messages between family members, family vacations, and credit card information has been disseminated on the web.

identity documents, letters and bills, as well as large amounts of political information that has not been intended for the general public.

the Data has been sent around via links on Twitter since a long time back. The leaks should have been organized as a kind of digital advent calendar, with the new ”gaps” are opened every day. Why it has taken until now before the attack is uncovered is unclear.

The current Twitterkontot has about 17,000 followers, and belong to an internet platform, which is registered in Hamburg, according to ARD. The hackers appear not to have published the information according to a thought-out system, but loaded up everything they come across. Who is behind the attack and what is the motive is still unclear.

among others, the president of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the former foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel, the newspaper Picture and refer to their own research. Even the well-known comedian and tv host Jan Böhmermann and 30 journalists at the public service broadcasters ARD and ZDF will have fallen victim to the hackers.

Hundreds of politicians from all parties represented in the bundestag is affected, including chancellor Angela Merkel’s christian Democrats CDU and the social democrats, the SPD. Only politicians from the right-wing populist and xenophobic party, the Alternative for Germany (AFD) shall be spared.

it can be about the most comprehensive hacker attack in the history of Germany that is now rolled up.

Germany’s security service is connected and shall, according to the Image exchange information with foreign security services.

The German bundestag has several times previously been subjected to hacker attacks since the it networks have been knocked out and a large amount of information stolen.