In 2019 we get a bourgeois majority rule in the new year for the first time since the Willoch-government was expanded in 1983. It will most likely to be many cases, the coalition parties will disagree about, but they are actually in agreement about an important issue for the Norwegian business sector: removal of the net wealth tax on working capital.

Mathilde Fasting. Show more

It was Hans Olav Syversen from the christian democratic party has sat in the finance committee when skatteforliket was adopted in 2016, and it was also his party that proposed to remove the net wealth tax on working capital for the first time. Now the game is part of a majority rule, and the three other parties receive the necessary support to get through a removal of the tax in Parliament.

If any government really should take the warnings from the Norwegian business sector seriously, it must be a bourgeois majority rule. It is not without reason that the business world is occupied by just this tax. Corporate tax all companies that earn money pay, also foreign companies. The imputation tax credit anyone who takes out a dividend, and it is possible to select the level and if there is room to take out dividends.

Ernas christmas present to the conservative party and the Progress: Alerts negotiations on the back burner and requires loyalty

With the net wealth tax does it relate differently. Ever since the last time the Sector was in government, the business community argued for the harmful effects on net wealth tax, reduced investment opportunities, differential treatment between Norwegian, privately-owned businesses and foreign owned businesses and the attenuation of the corporate economy when the tax must be paid regardless of whether the company makes money or not.

The new confederation of Norwegian enterprise boss, Ole Erik Almlid, said that his main task is to create an understanding of why and how the Norwegian companies are the solution to Norway’s most important samfunnsutfordringer, and he adds: “my Contract is to fight for businesses. It is the businesses that give life to built and a town in the whole of Norway”.

Use the split Sector as forhandlingskort

At a breakfast meeting in Civita in november said spektersjefen Anne-Kari Bratten that it is important to remember where the money (welfare) comes from. We should talk more about that a good business is the foundation of a good and solid welfare state. Her motto for 2019 is: “don’t shoot verdiskaperen”. The upcoming flertallsregjeringen have the big næringslivsorganisasjonene on the team. For them it would be incomprehensible that the government ensures the best possible framework conditions for value creation.

In regjeringsplattformen should the removal of the capital tax on the working capital coming in. There are many good ways to tax, and Norwegian companies and their owners pay like tax, but net wealth tax on working capital has only nedsider. The coalition parties are agreed that this should be removed. They have two years to the next election. In France managed Macron to remove the French net wealth tax in one year.