The Turkish village of Kiremitcisalih is hardly a Kilometer away from the Greek border, which is here a broad, in Winter often a torrent river. Then a dozen men appeared in the village – in underpants otherwise they were naked. The farmers had the Strangers in their tea so they could warm up. There is a photo that shows how the naked men flocking to an old black stove in the tea room. One has red stripes on the back.

“With iron bars” you would have beaten him, over there, on the Greek side of the border, told the man with the welts to the village headman. The thugs had worn black masks. Another said that Greek police officers had taken away from him everything, his phone, his money, the clothes. All told, they are refugees , came from the Yemen, from Algeria, Palestine. You have done it already up on the Greek side of the river, but then you would have set Greek border guards in boats and forced to row back to Turkey.

arrived Against international law

Since the Naked in Kiremitcisalih, reports in the Turkish media about migrants who were sent back across the green border from Greece to Turkey. At the beginning of December, they found four people Dead on the Turkish side; the men – believed to be from Afghanistan or Pakistan, frozen to death. Also you may be the victim of the “Pushback”, it said. Thus, migration experts call for the immediate Return of refugees, without registration, without a hearing, without a trial. Such “deportations” breach of international law, the European human right court of justice in 2012. At the time, it went to the Italian border guards and the boat of refugees from Libya. The Greek government has organizations to support the repeated allegations of human right, you are going to let Pushbacks at the border with Turkey, has always denied.

enlarge map

In a new report by Human Rights Watch are now documented statements of 26 refugees on both sides of the border were interviewed and all Similar reports: how they are picked up by Greek police or border guards, in groups collected and re-crossing the border back were pushed. The report quoted a Syrian refugee who was with his wife and three children aged 12, 15 and 19 years of on-the-go. “We were all on a Bus, 60 to 70 people. Of commandos, all in Black, with face masks. They drove us back to the river. We had a great fear of. Since young people were wearing just Shorts, nothing else.” They had been threatened by the police officers and insulted, said several Interviewees. Some had two or three times illegally, the border river to overcome, and were occasionally brought back to Turkey.

“The authorities in Greece should investigate the allegations of illegal refusals immediately,” urges Todor Gardos of Human Rights Watch. And the EU Commission, supported by Greece in the case of refugee assistance, should make pressure, especially since the allegations are not new. The human rights organization cited in the presentation of your new report from a ten-year-old Report, which is also already illegal deportations were deplored by Greek border guards – and a not less poor treatment of refugees on the Turkish side.

The Islands as cul-de-SAC

in March 2016 In Turkey and the EU concluded a refugee agreement. Previously, approximately one Million people had moved through the Balkan route to the North. Since the entry into force of the agreement, far fewer migrants arrive in boats on the Greek Islands. The Islands of Lesbos and Chios are within sight of the Turkish coast, there is now controlled but stronger. Therefore, more and more refugees from soft on the land route, about the, in part difficult to control the Turkish-Greek border. Tugs have changed their tours, they will show the way from Istanbul in the Turkish border province of Edirne, where the village of Kiremitcisalih.

The agreement stipulates that all migrants who arrive on the Greek Islands, where it is registered, the asylum procedure should take place on the Islands. Who will be rejected, returned to Turkey. The procedures take long, and Turkey has so far received relatively few refugees. A private Greek-Turkish readmission agreement works poorly. The Islands have become for the majority of refugees to the cul-de-SAC. This is also why you are looking for a way to get across the green border to Europe.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 04.01.2019, 06:14 PM