The Couple has the grandchild trick fraud carried out together. Together, the 41-year-old Pole and his peers are Ex traveled-girlfriend twice to Zurich. Together, they have two Victims 180’000 and 100’000 Swiss francs charge. Both chose to court the same strategy: despite the overwhelming burden of the deeds deny it, and neither insight nor remorse. You will not get the same punishment. Because the fraudulent couple was sentenced by two different judges.

While the man, an unconditional sentence of imprisonment of two years in prison, to his Ex-partner half the time in prison. The two separately processes carried out at the end of November before the district court of Zurich to show clearly how big the room is. Because, contrary to an order of buses, where there is nothing to discuss, may be the degree of punishment for the same offences before the court are of different height.

Twice as long in prison

The collegiate court, which treated the case of the man who spoke at the 22. November tried to fraud and complicity to attempted fraud and sentenced him to an unsuspended custodial sentence of 25 months.

another three court sentenced the woman on the 27. November due to multiple fraud attempts to a higher custodial sentence of 30 months. You have to serve only 12 months in fact, the remaining 18 months of the court because of the language barrier, so be on probation for three years. This means that for the same deeds of the man two years in prison, must year, the woman merely. Against both, the court said in addition, a ten-year national referral.

red-handed and arrested

The 41-year-old Pole and his peers Ex been caught-girlfriend on the 29. January 2018 in the case of the handover of the money has been arrested. They had already tried in December of 2017, in vain, a victim of a large amount of money from. Despite the overwhelming burden of proof (telephone analysis, DNA-traces of the woman, the testimony of the daughter that was at the second attempt as well), fought both the acts consistently. While the man occurred in the process, arrogant, and schnoddrig, the woman is decent and also expressed gland on the tears.

woman attracts judgment

According to a spokesperson of the district court of Zurich, the judgment against the man is now legally binding. The woman has filed an appeal, as the state’s attorney. This had required an unconditional sentence of imprisonment of three years; in the male, a 20 months. The two defenders were required to each of acquittals.

at the end of January did the woman, as her accomplice since the time of the arrest, in custody, of their twelve months and then should walk free. The competent Prosecutor thought but “seriously”, to make the high court application for an extension of the preventive detention until the appeal process is taking place. Because the woman should come free, it is not expected that you will return to the process before the Zurich high court from Poland. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 04.01.2019, 07:25 PM