“Fulkultur – nothing to be ashamed of”

“Caroline Hainer about guilty pleasures – and why the ”Swedish Hollywood wives”, and Celine Dion is worth to like, really,”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“”But do you like really Chris Isaak real or is it more of a guilty pleasure?” was the question to me. In other words: I have bad taste for real or am I at least aware that I have it? “

“My companion looked at me, I was forced to think over the wording: the real thing or guilty pleasure?”

“We enjoy often of the cultural things we know we should not appreciate. As a sentimental Celine Dion-ballad, christmas songs, a musical with predictably happy ending, Paolo Coelho or the Paradise hotel. Thus the cultural expressions that are generally perceived to be bad taste. “

“the Shame is in the lättgillade and it that will appeal to the broad crowd. It has a touch of rustic style is rarely sophisticated, and this we should be aware of. “

“So here in the nyårstider usually the idea of guilt and pleasure, and be extra present. It is now we should stop all our bad habits, buy gym pass and read the prisnominerade the novel that had been on the nightstand for several months. We should stop spending time on Swedish Planners and Farmer looking for wife, because it fills our brain with cotton candy. We’ll tighten us up both physically and culturally, and reduce our shame.”

“once upon A time had it been logical. The ancient greeks raised the intellect to the skies and rejected the urge and lättjan. Aristotle had condemned the Paradise hotel for that reason, not necessarily because of the content’s nature.”

“He had received help from the puritans and the catholics who, in lust, distraction and enjoyment saw the devil himself. It is, therefore, laziness, and gluttony is listed among the deadly sins. “

“But the question is how relevant the link between the intellect and the debt is today? If the guilty pleasure is really all about liability, why be ashamed, we are not over hiphoplåtar with the homophobic lyrics, the Marquis was Said to sadistic orgies or Bret Easton Ellis våldsodyssé American psycho in this case? Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus contains violence, rape, mutilation and sadism, but like, but it is rarely seen as a shameful pleasure. Not fotbollstittande, a time-consuming and physically unhealthy activity, that sometimes ends in violence in stadiums and harassment. Something one can’t accuse either Celine -Dion-style ballads or Farmer looking for wife for. In other words: what is it that decides which expressions should skambeläggas and not?”

“the Term ”guilty pleasure” was for the first time in writing in the New York Times, in 1860, in a description of a brothel”

“Well, of what might be called high culture is determined by the present on the basis of components such as ethnicity, class, and gender. The expression ”guilty pleasure” was for the first time in writing in the New York Times, in 1860, in a description of a brothel.”

“today is found predominantly many guilty pleasures among the phenomena which are liked mainly by women, regardless of whether they are commercially successful, appreciated by generations or becomes the subject of analysis. Successful industries and of the women, like Gwyneth Paltrows lifestyle empire, Goop, and the Twilight series, seen as trifles in spite of monetary supersuccé. You do not hear the same thing about the Star wars saga, Star Trek, microbreweries or barbershops. “

“Many of today’s guilty pleasures derived from the 1990-century great distinction between fine – and fulkultur. America developed during the past decade, a pop culture with an almost defensive self-distance and irony that signaled ”this is not good for real, we know”. The 1990s gave birth to the music videos, long skjortsnibbar and polyester, reality-series, ”easy listening”craze and Britney Spears. It was pure kapituleringen: ”yes, in bad taste, but then, in the air?”. “

“Words such as ”chick-lit” and ”chick-flicks” (romantic books and movies) was born at the same time. They signal that they are targeted to women, and thus lightweight and bad. 2001 chose Oprah Winfrey Jonathan Franzens novel the Corrections for her book club. It was not by the author, which meant that it scared away male readers because men ”look Oprahs book selections as books for women and therefore would never touch them”. (Franzen asked the latter to Oprah to apologize when her book selections gave him a major boost in sales.)”

“Why do these powerful women guilty about enjoying food and reality tv? “

“If you think that this text is a feminist conspiracy theory, you can read the magazine The Cuts compilation from 2017, in which 25 well-known women had described their guilty pleasures. Ten of them responds to different types of food. Peanut butter, in Martha stewart’s case, the whipped cream when the author, Maya Angelou may choose. The rest mention the reality shows and in films for young people.”

“Why do these powerful women guilty about enjoying food and reality tv? Is it because women should resist their impulses to consume things and become thick? It is for an award-winning writer must point out that she, of course, can distinguish between good and bad culture?”

“Sure, it’s hårdraget but what I want to get at is that guilt and shame is something that is defined by our contemporaries but also of who we are and what we are expected to think about. Would you get the same answers from the 25 powerful men? They would mention ”a large dollop whipped cream” as their main guilty pleasure?”

“It would be a needless and sad, in the same way as it is when women say it. Today’s psychologists the world over agree that the debt in relation to the enjoyment, doesn’t help us to make better choices. We feel guilt when we eat a semla, it will not get us to opt-out, topped the next time. Rather, debt is an ability to instead lead us to more sin, we have already sinned, so we might as well do it again, whether it be a bun or a further section of the Paradise hotel. Of course, we are already lost.”

“What we should do instead, say the psychologists, is to enjoy for sheer pleasure and to see our attraction for what it is. This applies in particular to our cultural guilty pleasures. For when we embed our enjoyment in an excuse, we are not fully honest with ourselves. We dare not stand for the we are, for our taste. It is not the artwork, the book or the tv series we devalue when we say so, but ourselves. Is there anything our new year’s resolutions and our chance for a fresh start is all about, it’s self-improvement. And where should complete honesty be included.”

“So, my answer to the question of the way in which I like Chris Isaak, the answer is obviously ”for real”. Is there any other way? “