“So was the storm, Alfrida its name”

“The storm now abated would actually have been called “Svea”, but it was Alfrida instead. It may seem to be a location, but ovädrens name is not just curiosities. At least not in the US, where hurricanes with female names harvest significantly more victims than a storm with a male name.”

“Actually, writes the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute, on its website, the storm that recently shook parts of the country have been called Svea. This is because Svea has name day on January 2, the day when the storm was a fact, but that name was taken by a storm in 2015. Therefore, the meteorologists Alfrida, who together with Alfred has name day on the day after, and since the latest storm was called the Knot, they chose – in all fairness-character – a female name.”

“To Sweden naming storms is a relatively new phenomenon, unlike many other countries where the tradition existed for a long time. Not so long ago gave SMHI the storms have no names at all, or rather: the tempest was usually a name after the date or day of the week they occurred. After this principle is thus ”

“This tradition was ashamed by the devastating storm Gudrun in 2005, as named by the Norwegian weather service. The name got a lot of attention, and the idea that SMHI should name the storms were born.”

“Because many of the storms that pulls in over Sweden from the west, they have often already named by our Norwegian or Danish neighbours and to avoid confusion using the SMHI is usually the same name. But if the storm affects the united states, but to the Danish or the Norwegian weather service issued the no name – which now, by – is based Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute simply from the almanac. The storm ”

“How storms are named may seem to be merely curiosities, but in the united states, researchers have actually discovered that there is a difference if the storm has a male or female name in the sense that”

“the Research, which was published in 2014 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed that if a hypothetical hurricane of the bigger battle would be baptized from on from. ”

“A storm is when the wind speed is between 24,5% and 32.6 metres per second, in addition, called the wind like a hurricane in the western hemisphere.”

“When the wind speed of a tropical storm is for 32.7 metres per second in the east, on the other hand, talking instead about the tropical cyclones and in the western Pacific region of typhoons.”

“A hurricane, tropical cyclone or typhoon formed over the sea in tropical areas under high-pressure when the surface water is a minimum of 26.5 degrees celsius and the air in the atmosphere above the damp.”

“Source: Nationalencyklopedin”