Thursday started Nicklas Bendtner his sentence of conviction for violence he had received in the beginning of november for beating and kicking a taxi driver in Copenhagen on the night of 9. september.

It marks the Rosenborg striker on Instagram with a picture flanked by a quite long text on the voldsepisoden and future plans.

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Nicklas Bendtner calls, among other things, the episode with the taxi driver for ‘vexed’.

‘I would, of course, wish that all this had not happened. Both for me and the involved taxi driver, who subsequently lost his job. Just very much how he behaved and what he said, it is not something that I have wanted for him’, it sounds it – probably with reference to the driver of lost jobs and broken jaw.

Nicklas Bendtner and his girlfriend left a taxi without paying the 52 bucks, because they were dissatisfied with that the driver drove the wrong way from Kongens Nytorv to There apartment, H. C. Andersens Boulevard.

Subsequently turned the driver around and ran after the pair, shouting after them and threw an empty can or bottle in front of the pair. It got Nicklas Bendtner to beat the taxi driver down. The court also assessed that Bendtner subsequently kicked to the driver, who broke his jaw.

‘There was, no doubt, many other and better ways, that we each could have resolved our disagreement. Instead ran it off the track. If I just had paid the amount, as taxametret showed, my gf and I may not have been chased by a car with an enraged driver behind the wheel, and I was not ended with the decision that I was going to have to make in fractions of a second, while everything cooked’.

He also writes that he still does not agree with the verdict, and that he sure never gets it. A point of view, he has argued since the trial in november.

in Addition to mention the episode reveals the 30-year-old Bendtner, that he intends to write a book about his turbulent life.

‘at the same time, I have gotten use to understand why my way through life until now has been so intricately, as it has been…’

‘luckily, It is never too late to learn something and prepare for the future, and therefore I have decided to gather the stories, is soon 31 years old have closet me on good and on evil. I’m going to do in a book, where the story is not being driven by speculation and sensation, but of my right hearty memory (believe it or not!) and openness, which is otherwise not especially typical of the top football’, he writes.

He also writes that he has been at pains to find the right author, but he promises not blurred on who should write the book.

Nicklas Bendtner will serve with fodlænken the next 50 days, where he is not allowed to fit his work in Rosenborg. You can read more about the execution including.

Nicklas Bendtner was sentenced to 50 days in jail for violence against a taxi driver. Photo: Mogens Flindt

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