NYBORG (Dagbladet): on the Night of Thursday was ulykkestoget moved from Storebæltsbrua to Nyborg. Here jobs including the accident to find out what has happened.

Eight people, five women and three men were killed as a result of the accident at the Storebæltsbrua Wednesday morning.

Currently, we know that it was a trailer from a freight train that hit lyntoget, and that the wind speed was all the way up to the border of the Banedanmark has set for that freight train must reduce the speed over the great belt.

But there are several questions missing answer.

Bo Haaning in the Aibn says to Dagbladet that it could take up to a year before the investigations after the accident is finished. He says that there will be a report as soon as the matter is fully investigated.

– we are Now collecting data and as much information as possible to get charted the course of events, ” he says.

This is done by among other things, examine the wreckage of the train.

Eight dead after the goods suddenly toppled out from øltoget Examines the wreckage

When the Newspaper was at the togvraket Thursday afternoon, the area was blocked off and there were several police cars in place.

There were made investigations on the spot, and the parts of the train that is hardest hit is covered to avoid insight.

the Goal is to find out of a possible security breach, and provide advice that makes that such a terrible accident doesn’t happen again.

We interview witnesses and examine the train. There is much that remains in the investigation, says Haaning, and adds:

– This is a complicated puzzle, and there are still many small pieces that are missing before we have the whole picture.

MORE DEAD: Multiple people are dead after a togulykke on Storebæltsbrua in Denmark. Video: Kristian Ridder-Nielsen / Dagbladet/ Google Earth / NTB Scanpix/ CNN Clip: Ørjan Ryland / Templates Storrusten Show more Can exclude foreign

the Police have done research on both ulykkestoget and godstoget in the course of the night. They could Thursday morning advise that these survey meant that they found two additional casualties which makes the total number of dead to eight.

the Police had already on Thursday morning, a clear idea of who four of the victims are.

on Thursday afternoon highlighting the fact that they also have got a good overview of who the rest are, from the assets and other traces found in the train.

We hope to have identified all in the course of the day, so the relatives get a response on what has happened to their missing. The identification takes place by means of DNA and tooth studies because of the major damage, said politiinspektør Lars Bræmhøj at the press conference in the morning.

the Police stated that because they now have a clear idea about who the casualties are, they can with high probability rule out the possibility that there are foreign nationals among the dead.

the Baggage was on board the train is in police custody.

Jesper and Rebekah was on board the ulykkestoget: – Mind goes to those who have it worse than us