There is a small storm, snøvær and low cloud cover in the area. It is a very difficult situation for letemannskapene, says police commissioner Astrid Nilsen at a press conference Thursday morning.

the avalanche danger in the area now is on the faregrad four, significantly skredfare. It is assumed that when the temperature rises and the wind takes on, so it will still be great skredfare in the area, ” says Morten Pettersen, chief of staff Troms police district.

– It is not prudent to send letemannskaper into the ground until we have clarified the avalanche danger in the area, ” says Pettersen.

Possible to find survivors

What is important now is to get sent a helicopter into the area with the rescue rope the applicant and the recipient to search for and locate the missing, ” he says.

they are Then depending on the flyvær, and the way it looks now, there is little opportunity to get flown today. Police hope it will be possible to carry out in the morning.

– We consider it that there is a possibility to find survivors yet, ” emphasises Miller.

– If they are skredtatt and buried, is our experience, unfortunately, that the chances of survival falls each minute about going. But we have not clarified the injury site and this is still a rescue operation, says Bård Rannestad, seksjonsoverlege University hospital in Northern Norway.

do Not contact

The four people were reported missing yesterday afternoon after having started a trip to the summit to Blåbærtinden in if we in Troms, norway, according to NRK Troms.

There has been a large landslide in exactly this area, and it should be observed trails into the slide, but not out, was told on NRK nyhetsmorgen.

– There are found traces which go into the landslide, said police innsatsleder John-Kaare Granheim to Folkebladet yesterday evening.

Still hope

the Police believe that there still is hope to find survivors.

– But we have not made contact with the four who have been up there. The probability is therefore high that some is taken by the avalanche, said innsatsleder Roald Berntsen in the Troms police district to NRK earlier today.

He adds that the rescue teams will go in as soon as the area is deemed safe enough.

the Rescue operation was set in the night because of the darkness and the difficult conditions. Avalanche danger is on the farenivå three, it snows and is difficult leiteforhold.

A ambulansehelikopter from the University hospital of North Norway (UNN) in Tromsø and a Sea King search and rescue helicopter also searched the area from the air yesterday, according to NRK.

the Swedish and Finnish turfølge

Avalanche should be around 300 feet wide and is estimated to be 600 to 700 metres long.

The missing is a Swedish woman and three Finnish men, the police stated to the Swedish news agency TT, according to Folkebladet. The

The four had been on the top in the area. They were last seen around at 14 on Wednesday. After a few hours was a fifth person in the turfølget concerned and notified to the police.